StePh's plAyliiSt

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Monday, June 29, 2009


Tiis card was drawn by the boii above...
hE iis Danzel...
My 6 yrs old K2 chiild hu wans me to cor hiim lao gong (hubbY) iinstead of Er zii (sOn)...
he So cuTe...
@ the back of the card he noes how to riite from husband..
But @ the froNt of the card...
He rote MummY...
n when ii asked hiim y he riites tiis wae...
he sae coz he dunnoE how to spEll the woRd 'wiiFe'...
So he asked me to help hiim Spell The wOrd 4 hiim @ the top of hiis 'MummY'...
He iis a sweet boii too...
EvErytiiMe askEd mE y ii diin scoLd the chiilDren esP hiim...
Iif iits b Coz he iis My 'HubbY'...
He oSo oWaeS lYke 2 toK to mE juZ lyKe hoW an Adult spEaKs to hiis wiiFe wIif muShiiNesS...
Wiill Lurve n mIiz hIim lOAds After JulY... "(

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My GoDsOn

Tiis Boii Here iiS mY gOd Son aIdAn Tee...

hE iis 4 yrs oLd tiiS yr...

n sTudIies iin My scH riiTe nW...

He iis a berii gd boii though sOmetiimes he can b cheEkY 2...


He iis a liiveLy n oUtgOiiNg bOii hu Lurves to Hang ard wiif all Of hiiS frEnz...

He wiiLl oWaEs cOr mE MumMy; MuMmY whenevA he c me alone wiif nObOdY bEsIiDes mE...

Ii wiiLl Sure to Miiz hIim LoaD aFter Ii lEaVe ShawS... "(

Thursday, June 18, 2009

LoNg TiiMe No BlOg


StepH so lOng diin blog le...

coz partly bz...


MiitiinG wiif frEnz...

Do quiizzes oN faceBooK...

re- uPloadiiNg piics oN facebook...

Doiing frequent masks as U hv seen Above...

But last bUt not least...

ii hv been dOiing some research on my psYcholOgy coUrse...


So dats y tiill nw den ii m back here agaiin... ")

QiAn YiNg

Tiis Piic was beautiifUlLy takEn bY stePh...
C how pRettY AllY smiilEd 4 me to the camera...
So SweeT!!! ")

Tiis PiiC oN the OthEr hAnd wAs taKen By MummY...
C the diiff between gor gor n jiie jiie took...
Hahaha... =p

Monday, June 15, 2009

CoUnSelLiiNg PsYcHolOgY

LaSt Wed..
ThuRs n Frii...
StePh went to Maxwell hSe opp Maxwell FoodcoUrt n attended her 3 daYs fUll TiimE couRse iin CounsellIing pSycHoloGy...
iit started fRom 8.30 am iin the mOrniinG n ended at 6 pm iiN the eveniing...
so Can U iimAgiiNE stePh haviing to waiit up much earliier den duriing her workiing days juz to go to sch???
aniiwae despiite all these...
ii had fun iin my lessons...
n had great iinsiights of the coUrse...
well Enriiched n ii m goiing to coNtiiNue mY stuDiies iiN diiP iin CouNsellIing PsyCholOgy b4 gOiing riite Up to dEgrEe...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

HapPy n FeD- Up sHopPiiNg sPrEe

LateLy sTePh has bEen feeliinG sUpeR fEd- uP...
sO went to her fave hiide- out shoppiing...
n bEgan buyiing n buyiing manii manii stuFfS...
den @ the same tiime coz ii got my salary...
thUs tk tiis opportuniity to sHop tiill ii drOp...
somEmore Nw iis GSS...
aLl the mOre giiF sTeph the reAsOn to shOp...