StePh's plAyliiSt

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

AfTeR sHowEr

Tiis iis where my BabY cousiiN aLly cHoO wEnt after her shoWer...

Her fave iiNdooR plAygRound...

She wasn't actually looKiing At the camera...

buT was iin fact lookIing at the lOllIipOp iin mY mOuth...


She gave me dat loLliiPop...

den ii OpenEd Up the WrappEr n shE was amAzEd bY iiT...

So shE bEgan To SmiilE n GiiGglE wheneva ii TooK iiT ouT...

ShoWeRiiNg AlLy

My BabY cOusiiN aLlY cHoo sHowerIing...
N ii Tiis chEekY jiiE jiiE wenT to tk SnapshOrts of her...
Triied meanS n WayS to gEt hEr lOok aT thE camEra...
So cUtE!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


sTepH waS onCe AgaiiN siiCk...
Ytd iin Sch...
suddenly felt muscle aches all over...
den took temp...
after dat dad brought me go c doc...
den tk temp agaiin...
iit was 38.4...
doc sae ii got viiral iinfectiions...
so giif me mediiciines 4 me to vomiit n diiarrohEa lorz...
make me untiil nw so weak n tiired...
thank god when ii go c doc...
no niid put on mask...
unlyke winnie dat tiime went polycliiniic muz put...
nw can onlii pray hard ii faster recover...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

PiiCs oF the AcTor n ActreSs thEre

HaRdLy stEph evA goT the chAnce to Get Up ClosE wiiF mEdiAcOrP sTaRs...
Ii n fEliCia...
She's PrettY...
N faiir...
mUmmY tOok 4 uS...
hoWeva ii LooK quiITe weiiRd n DiistoRted...

Nat Ho!!!
My iiDol...
So SuavE n sOmemoRe hAs sUch a cHarmIing SmiilE...

StePh n Nat...
AfTer a LonG whiiLE b4 mUstEriiNg sUffIiciiEnt coUragE to AsK hiim to hV a Piic wiiF sTePh...
He's a Berii FriiEndlY n niiCe guY...
HanDsOmE!!! ")

Such A coiinCiiDent...
StePh's MJR seniioR was oSo there...
TooK tiis snApShoT when she was PosiiNg wiiF nAt...

Nat @ the seatiings chattiing wiif hiis fans...

SecReT snAp oF Nat... ")

LitTle NyOnYa gAla

Here r sOme oF the pIics stePh toOk lAst niiTe @ SinGapoRe inDooR sTadIuM...
ii n MummY went to Watch the LiTtLe nYonYa gAla...
ActiiNG casts were mOstlY the samE as thoSe fRom the mEdiaCoRp shOw 'LitTle NyoNya'...
Xiang Yun...
Dai Yang Tian...
Ow xUaN...
An hR plUs mUsiicaL plAy...
NiicE n FuNnY... ")