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Friday, May 1, 2009

ShAwS MouNtBaTtEn tEacHeRs

These PrettY ladiies here r stePh's cOllEagUes @ SHaws MounTbaTten...
NoT mUch pRoB wiiF them thoUgh...
coz they r all ProfessIioNals n r quiite co- oPeratiive wiif stePh...
ExCepT 4 1 whiich stePh Can't stand workiing wiif her tiill nw siince last yr...
so paniickY...
So IiriiTatiing...
Ii Kiip tellIing My other teachers...
Iif she got depresiiOns duE to hEriiDiitarY bAcKgrOund...
Den ii wiiLl B the wan wiif depressIioNs n oN the vErGe Of cOmmIitIiNg sUiiCiiDe!!!
oWaes fEiiGn iiNgORAncE n Den aBle to geT Her wAe ThrU hEr sOap OpEraS...

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