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Sunday, May 17, 2009

PiiCs oF the AcTor n ActreSs thEre

HaRdLy stEph evA goT the chAnce to Get Up ClosE wiiF mEdiAcOrP sTaRs...
Ii n fEliCia...
She's PrettY...
N faiir...
mUmmY tOok 4 uS...
hoWeva ii LooK quiITe weiiRd n DiistoRted...

Nat Ho!!!
My iiDol...
So SuavE n sOmemoRe hAs sUch a cHarmIing SmiilE...

StePh n Nat...
AfTer a LonG whiiLE b4 mUstEriiNg sUffIiciiEnt coUragE to AsK hiim to hV a Piic wiiF sTePh...
He's a Berii FriiEndlY n niiCe guY...
HanDsOmE!!! ")

Such A coiinCiiDent...
StePh's MJR seniioR was oSo there...
TooK tiis snApShoT when she was PosiiNg wiiF nAt...

Nat @ the seatiings chattiing wiif hiis fans...

SecReT snAp oF Nat... ")

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