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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

顺安n 慧恬

Ii shall not wriite too much iin here...
Dun wanna spoiil the niice piics ii took wiif hiim todae...
But juz onlii frenz n nth mOre... =)

Monday, June 28, 2010


Hate me or hate me not...
LiikE me or liike me not...
Love me or Love me not...
How m ii sUppOse to treat mYself...
Ii dunnoe myself too...
Ii hate myself for not able to forget bout everytiink...
Ii hate myself for owaes beiing the one to get hurt...
ii hate myself for owaes lettiing everybody down...
Ii hate myself for hurtiing ppl hu triies to be niice to me...
Iin conclusiion...
Ii hate myself for wad ii m todae!!! =(

Saturday, June 26, 2010


TriiEd MakIIng iiT lOokEd liikEd mIcKeY mOuSe...
But lOokEd KiiND oF DiisGuStIinG IinSteAd...

ToM yAm SoUp BaSe

AuNtY hElPeD uS cHAngEd to OuR favE sOup Base...
The oNe whiiCh we ORiiGiiNallY oRdErEd...
YumMy... =)

EgG n VerCeLlii

PaRt Of oUr DiiSh...
BaO bEii CracKEd the EgG buT dRoPpEd iiT iinTo the SouP iiNsTeAd...

BeEfy SliiCeS

ThiiN slIicEs Of bEeF...
LooKed So TeMpTiiNg n eZ to CoOk Too...

Ma La sOuP bAsE

1sT sOuP bAsE dat we gOt iinStead oF wAd ii OriiGiinAllY oRdEred...
Iit was ma La sOup bAse...
N we diisLiiKEd thE taste...
So ii Went to Ask for a chAngE tO oUr toM yAm x' Tra SpiicY BAse... =)

FiiNiiShEd cHiiCkY RiiCe

ForgOt to Tk the pLate wiiF cHiicKen RiicE...
So nO chOiicE buT to tk The emPty Plate wiif the BlacK sAucE stIill There...

KoI n LiiMe JuiiCe

My lOng Awaited Koi vanilla milk tea...
Hv been craviing for iit for a long long tiime...
Den last frii i met up wiif Lena bAobeIi n ii Got the chance to dRiinK kOi!!!
waS bErIi HappY... =)

YuMmY LaMb ChOp

Thanks Mr. Patrick for cookiing such deliiciious lamb chop for us...
It was a treat n hope to eat more iin future...

DaDdY n SoN

Terry n MasAki...
Hiis Fave soN...
C how MucH hE dOtEs oN HiiM...

D n D

Terry n LauRa...
Not really Hiis DauGhter...
But coz Both Nadia n I dote on hEr...
N oSo at dat tiime we were both vyIinG wiiF each other oN wantiiNg to Tk Piics wiif HiIm...
So hE cHoSe to Tk Wiif Laura Iinstead n Let the 2 OF is to coNtiiNuE the fiiGht...
How eviil...

CoNnOr n NaDiA

He iiS cOnnOr...
FerGus' BrO...
ii CaN oNlii FiiND tiis Piic he tooK wiiF NadIa...
but sadlY noT wIif mE...
the One we tooK toGether coUldn'T not b foUnd...
Sad... =(

ChArLoTtE n NaDiA

She iiS cHarloTte...
Another close student of NAdia...
iI duN reallY noE hEr ThouGh...
juz helped them tk th pIiCs...

CiNtA n NaDiA

C hoW hAppY Cinta iIS whEn hE iis Wiif NadIa...
Diiff ExpReSsiiOnS n SiidEs oF hIim...

NaDiA n TaKuTo

Nadia n The friiendlY TakUtO...
He iis OwaEs ReaDy for the camera...
No MAtter wiif hU...
He wiill Owaes fLaSh hIis chEerY n WiiDe SmiiLE... =)

ShE n HeR bF

The cOuPle iiN n1 RainBoWs...
Whereva Nadia goes...
He wiiLl suRe to FolLoW heR ard...
Such a sweet bOii... =)

ThE gAl n ThE bOiiS

NaDia n mY CharMeRs...
C how mEsMeRiiSiiNg thE smiiLes thEse two BoYs gAvE...

NaDiA n The ScH bElLeS

ThE 3 sCh bEllEs oF eTonhOusE... =)

NaDiA n ThE ChArmErS

NaDia N mY pRosPEcTiiVe bFs...
LooK hOw cOoL thEy looK wHeN sTanDiiNg bEsIiDe hEr... =)

NaDiA n Her BabiiEs

Nadia N hEr bAbiiEs...
All hEr pReciioUS...
One bIig HappY...
SweeT n ChEerFul FamIilY... =)

MiiSs NaDiA n MiiSs LaUrA

Dun They Juz lOok LiiKe MotHEr n DauGhter Iin ThEsE piiCs???
SomEmoRe TheY wOre The aLmOst SiiMiiLaR dResS...
FloWeRY deSiiGn...

BeTh n Me

She iiS aNoTheR cHiiLd whO ii Noe OF dat iiS lEaViinG EtOn hOuSe...
She iiS a SweEt n PolIitE gaL...
OutgOiIng n Fun...
GoNnA mIisS her SmiiLeS n 'Hi' when The NeW sCh TeRm StaRts... =(

AuDrEy n StEpH

She iis Another sweet liittle gal dat ii liike...
PrettY n Clever too...
Will miiss her as well...
All the best to her... =)

My HaNdSoMe n I

He iis George...
N he iis iin K1...
But he iis Gg bacK to England...
Ii wIill MiisS the CuddLes dat u OwaEs giiF me Boii... =(

WaRm n SwEeT fAmiiLy

HappY faMiiLy...
Me n TerrY...
nAdiA sae both PaRents r ChiinEsE...
but iiN thE enD dauGhter cOmeS oUt bEcoMe Ang mOh...
N iI rePly coz genEtIiC pRoBs...

CiNtA n StEpH

He tOoK piiC wiiF me...
HE rOlLed EyEs...
Den wiiF nAdIa...
He acTed So nOrmAl...
How UnfaiiR...
StiiLl sAe ii HiiS gF...

TaKuTo n Me

He iiS TaKutO...
A Jap BoIi...
Juz lIikE CinTa...
WhenEvA he c Me...
hE sURe WiiLl gIif mE a biiG wiiDe SmIiLe n ^5...
BefOre PulLiiNg mE wIif HiiM to tHe plAce WheReEvA hE wAnnA go...
After whIICh hE saYs bYe tO me...

PePpA piiG n StEpH

Ii WiiLl MiiSs hEr CheEkY SmiiLes...
Her siiLlY cRiiEs...
N bOssY vOiicEs... =(

KaZjO n I

KaZjO n I...
We R lIikE bEsT bUddIiEs...
OwAeS pLaYiiNG arD n ChasIiNg After oNE anotHEr DurIiNg bUs tIiME...

MaSaKi n StEpH

MaSaKi n Me...
He iiS nV clOse WiiF mE...
He LiiKeS NaDia...
ComPlEtE oPp wIif JErElYn...
PerhApS dats Y they r attracted to One AnoTheR...


NadIa sAe we R tRiiPleTs...
Coz JereLyn OwAeS sTiick wiiF me whEreVa ii Go iiN sCh...
N teriNa iis Her sis...
So we r oSo conSiiSdEreD as SisTaS...
Juz dat as cOmPared wiiF them...
Ii m So mUch DarKer dUe to The daIilY sUn exPosUre...

ThE bAbEs

TiiS 2 GalS r Iin yR 6...
N last wed was theiiR last dae iin EtoN hoUSe...
They wiiLl b Gg to CollEgEs...
Gd lUck tO u GalS n hOpe to C u galS ard SoOn... =)

My CrUsHeS

I n The 2 FuNnY bOiiS...
OwaEs mAkiiNg mE lauGh loUdlY b Coz oF theiiR JoKes...
GonNa mIiz the Laughters Ii had shAred Wiif Them... =(

My Bfs

My FutUrE pRosPeCt oF bFs...
MaNlY n GentlEmAn...
i sWooNeD ovEr thEm whEnevA they R ard mE...

Yr 5 n Yr 6 ComBiiNeD pErfOrMaNcE

Tiis WiiLl b The Last TiiMe whiiCh stePh wiiLl C the Yr 6 doIiNg a ComBiiNEd pErfOrmAncE for the WholE sch...
BefoRe tiis Was The Sch ConceRt...
N nW tiiS iis Theiir Fiinal Concert n Ii Wiill ReallY mIisS them... =(