HappY FatHEr'S dAy tO u mY bEloveD dAddy AnD aLl DaDdiIeS!!!
Todae iis FathEr's Day...
sO together wiif my FamiiLy...
We went to Ubin SeafOod Eat...
But coZ oN the Wae back from her faciial...
MuM saw dat there were noT anY seaTs...
sO she reserved a table of 5 wiif the staff there...
N told hiim dat iiF there's suffiicent Place...
he iis to cor us AsAp...
N iin the end he diid...
But he pUt the pHone down...
So we tot that mayb there was space oreadii n started our wae to oUr Destiinatiion...
but hu noes when we reached there...
He tOld us dat he was juz about to cor us...
Den there were ppl comiing iin...
N he gave the seatiings to them...
i was liikE wTh!!!
we sHld b havIing the pRiIoRiIty Of the seatiiNgs as we had oreadii reserved...
N he kEpt apologiisiIng to Us...
Iin the end...
We were asked to siit at the Back allY...
Where the garbage biiNs were lOcated...
Ii was so Piissed oFf n My Mum kIip remIindiiNg them To tell us to when there was a seatIing...
So we began to oRder...
FiinallY there were seats iinsiiDe the Aiir coNdiitionEd room...
We shiifted iiN...
But had to waiit for oUr fooD for nearlY an Hr...
By the tiiMe we fiiniished our diinner...
Iit was oReadii gg to 10 pm!!!
LuckiilY the young boSs of the restaurant was Automatiic enuff to giif us 10% diiscount from the biill...
N when we reached hm...
Daddy jokiingkly sae dat as iif we went for diinner at a berii fast place despiite juz walkiing diistant from our hse...
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