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Saturday, June 19, 2010

ThE daE wHeN BaO Beii LeNa WaS sicK

BaO BeIi lEnA wAs SiicK lAst WeeK n Was HoSpIitAliiSed FrOm 08/06/2010 to 10/06/2010...
Thank GoD dAt sHe Was DiisChArGeD oN the 10th Of JunE...
EarLy AfternOoN...
Dat dae we Were actuallY sUppOSed to MiiT uP Go eat...
DeN iin The enD...
She cor to tell ME she Was HospIitaliiSed...
Coz her LiiPs sWollEn n Dat she had UlCerS all Over hEr moUth...
N ii Was Liike...
Y so SudDen???
Thus iin The End Ii went Changi General HospItaL ViisIit hEr...
ii Bought fooD for her to eat as the hoSpiItal FooD accordiing to wad she sae...
TasTed Berii HorriIbLe...
So Bao BEii TreAt tiiS as A lEssOn Learnt...
Dun Do siiLly TiinKs dat wiiLl CaUse uR bOdY to SuffEr OncE agaIin...

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