StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, October 31, 2009

PasSiiNg N pEeLiiNg oF pOmElO

ThEse WeRe the lAst n FiinaL pArt oF the MooNcAke FestiVaL ActiiViitiieS...

The chiildren were asked to pass the pomelo round & PEelIiNG the sKiiN @ the SamE tiiMe...

They had fun though iit was tough job as the skiin of the pomelo was hard...



They stiill triied wiif the oCcaSiiOn hElP fRom Me... ")

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Tiis WhoLe wK ii Hv beeN mIitiinG lEna oUt...
EatiiNg n WiindOw sHoppIing...
DrIinkIing of Coz was one oF oUr mAiiN iiNteresT nW...
Ytd went To KatOng ShoPpiiNg Ctr TeO hEng SiinG K...
As 4 tOdae...
we went to TM eat teppAnyAki...
sHe was craViiNG 4 iit...
sO ii AccOmpAny HEr lOrz...
DeN aFter waLkiinG roUnd Tm...
we weNt to CentUry SquAre...
B4 proCeedIiNg to T1...
She had wanted to buy eiiTher a tOp oR a dreSs 4 her cOmiing b dae...
But iin the end she saw sOme whiich she lyke...
Howeva coz ii dun quiite lyke the desiign...
thuS iin the end she diin bUy @ alL...
After dat we wenT to Pp...
N ii WeNt tO StyLe hAiiR sTudIio 2 dYe mY hAiir...
cOz tiis cOmiinG wK enD ii wiiLl b gOiing to KL attend weddiing diinner...
sO muZ get all PrePaRed...
TmL ii Wiill StIill B mIitiiNg hEr...
N ii wiill Do treatMent pLus hIigH liiTe...
cOz todae nOt enUff Tiime...
thus nO cHoiiCe gOT to Do on TwO sEpaRaTe daYs...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

DrIiNk; DrAnK & b DrUnK

2dae StePh n lEna wEnt to RoxY sQuAre Hv SteAmBoat...
@ the sAmE tIime we oRdered 2 BottLeS oF hEinEkEn 2 drIink...
As ii aIin't anii gD dRiiNker...
Thus ii Juz drIinK AppRoxIimAtEly 1/2 bottlEs of the Beer...
SuPer fReakiiNg lOusY lOrz...
LenA kEpT laughiiNg @ me siia...
After diinnEr she stiiLl wAnNa cOntiiNue dRiiNkiiNG...
So we walked oVer to PP cOfFee ShOp 4 a sEcOnd RouNd...
Tiis tIime...
We ordered jUz a BotTle...
Coz steph cOuld no loNger Tk iiT...
Den after the driinks...
ii went to the toiilet to vomiit everYtIinK oUt...
Iif nOt ii WiiLl b Dead drUnK OreAdIi...
As ii Was bErii Red All Over...
Ii coUld nOt gO hm IimmEdiiAtEly...
But ii m ThanKfUl dat mY liiTtlE piiggIie CamE tO bRiiNg mE bAcK Hm Iin Cab...
Thou ii nOe dat iits out of hiis wae...
Coz he gOiinG gEylAng East to StUdy 4 hiis exaM tMl...
So b cOz oF my 任性。。。
he Got nO choiice bUt to cOme...
LuRve hiim N Hiis PerfUme Loads...
MakEs HiiM SmEll So nIicE...
N ii DiiN Noe DaT...
HiiS cHesT n ShoUldErS r So stronG n StuRdy 4 HuggIinG... =P
ThAnkS aGaIin bRo!!! ")
U wIilL oWaEs b My BEsT bUd 4 lIifE...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

ThE mAkiiNg oF mOonCaKe JeLly

ReUsE tHe MoOnCaKe mOulD...

N wE caN uSed tHem AgaIiN tO mAkE oThEr tIinKs...

FrOm UsIinG thE moUld tO mAke cLaY 'MoOnCaKes'...

Nw sTePh n ThE cHiilDreN uSed The mOulD to mAke jElliiEs!!!

thEy HAd sO mUch Fun...