StePh's plAyliiSt

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

DrIiNk; DrAnK & b DrUnK

2dae StePh n lEna wEnt to RoxY sQuAre Hv SteAmBoat...
@ the sAmE tIime we oRdered 2 BottLeS oF hEinEkEn 2 drIink...
As ii aIin't anii gD dRiiNker...
Thus ii Juz drIinK AppRoxIimAtEly 1/2 bottlEs of the Beer...
SuPer fReakiiNg lOusY lOrz...
LenA kEpT laughiiNg @ me siia...
After diinnEr she stiiLl wAnNa cOntiiNue dRiiNkiiNG...
So we walked oVer to PP cOfFee ShOp 4 a sEcOnd RouNd...
Tiis tIime...
We ordered jUz a BotTle...
Coz steph cOuld no loNger Tk iiT...
Den after the driinks...
ii went to the toiilet to vomiit everYtIinK oUt...
Iif nOt ii WiiLl b Dead drUnK OreAdIi...
As ii Was bErii Red All Over...
Ii coUld nOt gO hm IimmEdiiAtEly...
But ii m ThanKfUl dat mY liiTtlE piiggIie CamE tO bRiiNg mE bAcK Hm Iin Cab...
Thou ii nOe dat iits out of hiis wae...
Coz he gOiinG gEylAng East to StUdy 4 hiis exaM tMl...
So b cOz oF my 任性。。。
he Got nO choiice bUt to cOme...
LuRve hiim N Hiis PerfUme Loads...
MakEs HiiM SmEll So nIicE...
N ii DiiN Noe DaT...
HiiS cHesT n ShoUldErS r So stronG n StuRdy 4 HuggIinG... =P
ThAnkS aGaIin bRo!!! ")
U wIilL oWaEs b My BEsT bUd 4 lIifE...

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