LasT ThUrs...
ChiilDreN'S daY...
ThuS nO WoRk 4 StePh...
yvO miiT mE gO bUgiS fIirst...
Coz She WaNnA cUt HeR HaiiR...
Actually we r suppoSeDlY tO miiT iiN the AfternOon...
As sTePh hAd waNted to gO T3 wiif daddY...
But iin the End wE dIiN gO...
MummY waNs dadDy tO go oFficE...
sO ii changed My TiimIing wiiF yvO...
ii wEnt to her hse to SeNd bReakFasT 4 hEr iin the mOrnIing...
SlacK @ her hse 4 awhiilE...
Watch sOme Tv sHows...
b4 wE set Off dOwn to BugiS...
To ChapTer 2 fOr her haiiR triimmIings...
folloWed bY to Bugis Street...
There ii bought 3 bOhO stylEd dresSes 4 $43.00...
OsO We weNt To BuGiS n @ YaChT 21...
ii sAw a lOveLy nAvY BlUe tUbe dress...
N bOught iit doWn 4 $39.90...
but ii treated iit as a skiirt iinStead...
After aLl thEse we went to V8 cafe 4 lunch b4 gOiiNg tO OuR FaVe PlaCe- IoN...
There @ iOn...
We went to variious shOps loOk Ard...
U nAMe iiT...
we aLl weNt iiN...
AfterwHiich we went to Taka...
Ard 6 pLus...
we Were quiIte dead tiired frOm all the walkiings...
so we went to a JaP restauRant 4 dIinner...
IitS oreaDii TiimE 4 uS tO go bAcK hm after we had fIiniished oUr diinner...
n we took an mrt back to toa payoh iinterchange b4 badiing each other gd byes...
No piics 4 tiis tiime round...
cOz sTepH's CuRls were Berii MessY @ dat PoiiNT of tiime...
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