Tiis WhoLe wK ii Hv beeN mIitiinG lEna oUt...
EatiiNg n WiindOw sHoppIing...
DrIinkIing of Coz was one oF oUr mAiiN iiNteresT nW...
Ytd went To KatOng ShoPpiiNg Ctr TeO hEng SiinG K...
As 4 tOdae...
we went to TM eat teppAnyAki...
sHe was craViiNG 4 iit...
sO ii AccOmpAny HEr lOrz...
DeN aFter waLkiinG roUnd Tm...
we weNt to CentUry SquAre...
B4 proCeedIiNg to T1...
She had wanted to buy eiiTher a tOp oR a dreSs 4 her cOmiing b dae...
But iin the end she saw sOme whiich she lyke...
Howeva coz ii dun quiite lyke the desiign...
thuS iin the end she diin bUy @ alL...
After dat we wenT to Pp...
N ii WeNt tO StyLe hAiiR sTudIio 2 dYe mY hAiir...
cOz tiis cOmiinG wK enD ii wiiLl b gOiing to KL attend weddiing diinner...
sO muZ get all PrePaRed...
TmL ii Wiill StIill B mIitiiNg hEr...
N ii wiill Do treatMent pLus hIigH liiTe...
cOz todae nOt enUff Tiime...
thus nO cHoiiCe gOT to Do on TwO sEpaRaTe daYs...
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