StePh's plAyliiSt

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

PeOplE ChanGe

ChanGEs r IinEviitaBle...
U hv to accePt changes iin ordEr to Grow...
W/o these changes...
we wiill nv noe wads gd or bad 4 us...
Ii hv changed n so does manii ppl ard me...
4 the gd or the bad...
we do not hv the riite to comment...
Thus ii berii detest thOse Ppl giiviing Unneccessary criitiiciisMs on wad another pArty had done...
when mOst of the tiime iiTs oSo nOne of theiir BusiinEsS!!!
4 these ii riite Up tiill Nw stiiLl could not decIipHer wAd ProBs iiS iiT Of theM to IinterfEre???
Gone n b gOne aWae wiiF the wIiNds...
Ii hOPe nOt to Hv anIi iiNkLiiNgs wiiF sUCh Ppl anIi lOnger...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

My sOn n HiiS FreNz @ KaToNg SwiiMmIinG cOmplEx

These piics were taken duriing when the chiildren hv to stop theiir swiimmiing lesson coz of the heavy raiin...

coz so long ii diin tk aidan le...

so thus dat tiime was the best chance as they were all waiitiing 4 the sch bus to come n fetch them back to ScH...


Choo Clan AssOcIiatIiaoN dIiNnEr @ QiaN Xi LoU

These were some of the piics whiich steph took when we attended mY mUm's sUrnamE's clan associiatiiOn diinner...
Every year the choo clan wiill iinviite all the cHoo's 4 tiis get together diinner @ QiaN Xi Lou @ TanjoNg KatOng cOmplEx...
So whiile waiitiiNg 4 the diinner to b served...
Ii started mY camwhoriing Agaiin...
n wadS mOre coz mY mAternaL granddad contriibuted lots to hiis clan...
we were asked to siit @ the HonoRarY table...
ReAllIi biig shOt siia...

StEpH iiN KL

These were somE of the piics whiich StepH tooK @ the hotel whiich ii stayed duriing mY 3 days 2 niites KL weddiing triIp As well as oN the coAch...

StePh oN 2nd Nov 2009

Tiis piic was taken whiile WaiitiinG 4 My couSiin aLly to Rtn Hm...

qUiite darK coz 4get to swiitch On The flashLiite of My camera...


My BaGs

StePh hAs addEd 4 More bags iin addiiTiiOn to My bAg FamiiLy...

Juz went to EsPriT to PurchAse thEse 4 fOr oNlii Ard $169.90...

All thanks to Xiu juan...

1 of mY sec sch fren hu works there...

She giiFs mE staff Priice...

Iif not total wiill B $240...

Reallii Appreciiates Iit aloT... ")

AllY's NeW watcH

Tiis watcH was Bought by my giim giim 4 AllY meii mEii...
She was so happy wiif her new watch dat she kept PuttIing her wriiSt Out to Show everYboDy Iin the faMiIlY...

BabY AllEgRa n FergUs

Tiis iiS mY cUte bAby allEgRa wiiF hEr freN fErgUs...

shE was eatiing her snack n fergie wanted to Hv somE frOm hEr too...

C how enGroSsed She was iiN her eatiiNg...

Ii m Berii ProUd of Her dat she's GettiiNg mOre n mOre iinDepenDent nW...

Niid nOt hV mE bY her siide all thE tiiME nW...

Well DoNe Gal!!! ")

P.S: Dun miiStakEn hEr 4 mY coUSiin AllY...

She's mY bAbY gaL frOm ScH... =p

StePh's New HaiiR cOloR

StePh went to dye liite brown base wiif red hiigh liites...
LurvEs iit...

Ah Ma LiM n StEpH

Tiis piic was taken together wiif Ah Ma Lim after Much coaXiinG...
ii toLd Her: Ah mA u hv oreadii sHowered...
Thus u looked neater n PrettiiEr nw...
Can tK piics together wiif mE le...
N so dats how tiis Piic was taken...
But after she had seen iit...
She regretted Iit iimmEdiiatEly...
KiiP askiing me to delete iit off...