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Saturday, November 7, 2009

ThE sAcRiFiiCeS tHesE GuYs gOt 2 EndUre b4 gEttiiNg tHE bRiiDe

AbOvE R SoMe OF ThE piIcS wHiiCh StEpH hAd TaKen DuRiinG thE wEddIing Dae...

The BriiDeGrOoM n HiiS buDdiiEs gOt to Go ThrU sEvErAl RoUndS oF 'HuMiiLiiLATiiOnS' FrOm ThE sIisTeRs' GrOuP b4 thEy coUld enTer the HSe to reCeiiVe the bRiiDe...

Iit wAs tRuLy HiilArIiouS seeIing thEm Iin TiIS wAe...


WAy To Go!!!

P.S. MorE piiCs tO coME...

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