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Saturday, November 7, 2009

My CouSiiNs n ThE kIitTeNs Wiif thEiiR oWnEr

WhiiLE wAiiTiiNg WhiilE 4 the tea ceremOnY n BufFeT tO bEgIin...

We went over to My relatiive's neiighBour's Hse to Play wiiF the KiitteNs N caTs...

At fiiRst OnlIi mY coUsiiNs went oVeR to PlaY...

Den ii JoiiNEd iiN lTr Coz Ii wAs bored...


Ii bEgIin To Use mY cAm tO tK pIiCs oF them...

whIiLe they Were EnJoYiiNg ThEmsElVes...


P.S. The liiTtLe bOii- iRWaN iis a bUbbLy n chEeKy feLloW...

BeriI CuTe N chUbbY...

BuT we cannOt stAnd Hiim of Hiis CrueLty towArds the catS...


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