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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Choo Clan AssOcIiatIiaoN dIiNnEr @ QiaN Xi LoU

These were some of the piics whiich steph took when we attended mY mUm's sUrnamE's clan associiatiiOn diinner...
Every year the choo clan wiill iinviite all the cHoo's 4 tiis get together diinner @ QiaN Xi Lou @ TanjoNg KatOng cOmplEx...
So whiile waiitiiNg 4 the diinner to b served...
Ii started mY camwhoriing Agaiin...
n wadS mOre coz mY mAternaL granddad contriibuted lots to hiis clan...
we were asked to siit @ the HonoRarY table...
ReAllIi biig shOt siia...

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