A Gal LiiviinG onLii iin Her oWn World... W/o wAntiiNg To SociiAliiSe Wiif AnyOne... UnlEss NEceSsAry... Not Ez To CommUnIcAtE UnlEss tHeY R wiilliiNg To SpEnd TiimE n B pAtiiEnt 2 noE Her BEtA!!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
FraGiiLe LiiFe... SuPerFiiCiiAl LuRvE... cOnTrAdiiCtiiNg WoRld
WasTiiNg $$$ aGaiiN
Saturday, July 25, 2009
KoReAn eAtiiNg DaE
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
My LoNg AwAiiTeD diiAmOnD RiiNg
Saturday, July 18, 2009
FuN n TiiReD dAe
Monday, July 13, 2009
She saiid dat she wanted to match all her purple clothes n shoes...
n Ii was lykE oMg!!!
All PurplE...
sO weiiRd... >.<
Aniiwae nvm lahz...
she lyke iit...
so up 2 her lorz...
sHe had noT wanted to buy iit iiniitiiallY...
Howeva stePh cOercEd hEr iin 2 buyIing so dat ii can bUy miinE as welL...
Tiis bag bElongs to StEpH...
stePh lUrvEs iiTs desIign bErii Much...
LooKs elEganT n clAssY...
MumMy bOught iit 4 me for $167.00...
After a 20% diiscOunt...
ThanKs MuM!!! ")
HaPpii 21St b DaE 2 AndReA
LasT sAt ii N YvO went to BedoK reServOiiR' AquAriUs bY tHE pArK' 2 celeBraTe aNdReA's 21sT b DaE ceLebRatiiOn...
HoweVa sad to sAe was dat...
Most of oUr sEc sCh fRenz lyke desmond n wei huang diin attened due to smth cRoppiinG uP 4 them...
Thus we diin actually manage to reuniite wiif them...
Besiides ii n yvo...
The oNlii pErsOn whiICh sTePh NoeS wAs Ya Li...
But we diin Chat @ all...
cOz toO LonG dIin C eacH oTHer lE...
Nth MucH to Chat lOrZ...
We Sat 4 awHiilE n left sOoN afTer...
cOz aNdrea was too Bz...
NoNethElEsS we stiILl wiIShed HEr a HappIi 21St B daE... ")
Sunday, July 5, 2009
OuR sHopPiiNg SpReE
Thursday, July 2, 2009
StEpH n dA jiiE
tHeSe weRe some oF the piiCs ii TooK wiiF mY gOD siis- Li LaO sHii 2daE whEn we Both were dOiing slPiiNG duTy...
As shE wAs bOred...
shE askEd mE to shOw her mY hAndpHonE n started PlaYiing wiif iit...
Den she sUddEnlY sae y not we tk piiCs together...
N sO dats hOw we tooK tiis 3 piics together lorz...