StePh's plAyliiSt

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Monday, July 13, 2009


Tiis was the purple Guess bag whiich my mum bought...

She saiid dat she wanted to match all her purple clothes n shoes...

n Ii was lykE oMg!!!

All PurplE...

sO weiiRd... >.<

Aniiwae nvm lahz...

she lyke iit...

so up 2 her lorz...

Tiis was Mum's 2nd bag From tOscanO...

sHe had noT wanted to buy iit iiniitiiallY...

Howeva stePh cOercEd hEr iin 2 buyIing so dat ii can bUy miinE as welL...



Tiis bag bElongs to StEpH...

stePh lUrvEs iiTs desIign bErii Much...

LooKs elEganT n clAssY...

MumMy bOught iit 4 me for $167.00...

After a 20% diiscOunt...


ThanKs MuM!!! ")

Ytd My mAiid senlY wanted to go n hv a haiir cut...

so after lunch from the club...

Dad fetchEd mE...

MummY n sEnlY to Parkway pArade...

After accOmpAnyiiNg sEnly to style hair studio...

where she fiind Gavin to help her cut her haiir...

ii n MummY pRoceeDeD oFf to Isetan...

At the bAg sectiioN...

After browsiing 4 soMe tiime...

Both steph n MummY each bOught a bag frOm tOscanO...

whiile mUmmy added 1 moRe frOm guEss...

thE desiiGn oF mY bag looked elegant n stePh siimPly loveD iiT...


At the cOunter...

MuMmY pAiid a ToTal of $400.00 plUs...

4 all 3 bags...

Iit was iindeed a gd buy...

All thanks to the GSS...


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