Ytd ii went 4 an iinterviiew @ Eton HsE b4 miitiing YvO...
after the iinterviiew...
ii went back to my grandma's hse to change b4 miitiing Yvo outsiide my grandma's hse bus stop...
den we boared bus 10 n went to vivo ciTy to sTart our shoppiing spree...
We shop ard 4eva 21...
N manGo...
b4 headiing to TopshoP...
there stePh bought a whiite color dress...
meant 4 tiis cOmiiNg sat Andrea's bdae bash...
After whiich we went to Charles n Keith n bought a paiir of sandals b4 headiing down to Orchard...
There we started our shoppiing once more n went Cotton On to ContiinUe wiif our spendiings...
StepH bought 3 ToPs whiile yvo bOught One black coloured dress...
we walked ard Orchard...
lookiing ard @ other shops b4 headiing baCk hm...
Howeva despiite these bags of sPendiiNgS...
We were stiiLl quiite unsatiisfiied wiif oUr iitems...
sO we wiiLl b miitiing agaiin most prob next tuEs oNce moRe to contiinue wiif our sHoppIinG!!!
LooKiiNg 4wArd to NExt wEeK... ")
iit wiill b anOther bz week 4 StePh...
coZ there wiill b lots of actiiviites 4 me to attEnd...
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