Ytd after My 2Nd iinTervIiew @ EtOn Hse @ pAyaR lEbar there...
Ii went BugiS fIind YvoNnE...
sHawS was closed ytd due to theiir sch schedule...
n Dats how ii can miit uP wiif Yvo so EarlY iiN the afternOon...
ActuALlY we had wanted to miit @ vIvO...
Howeva she cor me back a whiile ltr dat she would lyke to miit me @ Bugis Iinstead...
So ii agreed tiinkiing dat siince iit would b nearer...
thus straiight after my iinterviiew...
ii haiiled a cab down to Bugis to miit her...
oNcE we reached there...
we went to topshop look c look c b4 headiing to Kinokuniya...
n there ii bought 2 bioGrapHy boOks oN cHen Qiao En...
afterwhIich we went to Bugis StreeT...
There as we had nth much to buy so we r basiicallY wiindOw shOppIing...
UntiiLl @ M)pHosIs...
YvO saw a black cOloUred bAg n bought iit down...
Iit was quiite boriing walkiing round aiimlesslY @ Bugis...
Thus yVo ltr suggested dat we go to suntec city n marina square...
HooraY To the change of shOppIing mAlls...
We tooK a bus down n headed to Zara n triied on diif kiinds of clothes...
As wad yvo had saiid...
StePh's weiird habiit iis startiing up once agaiin...
lAtelY ii m So Iin 2 skiirts dats whiicheva shops ii entered...
Ii wOulD sure go n try on theiir skiirts oF varyiing desiigns as well as lenghts...
After tryiing out @ several shops...
steph managed to buy a peach colouRed skiirt from mango @ Marina Square n another purple coLoured veSt oSo from the same shOp but @ Suntec CitY...
we Went iinto the fiittiing rooms to try b4 comiing out n showed each other how we looked lyke iin our ouTfiits...
fIinalLy after such long hrs of ShoppIing...
we went 4 our diinner @ YoshinOya b4 headiing back to Yvo's hse to get More clothes n bags from her...
Iit was a berii relaxed dae 4 us...
1st tiime we felt dat we were not @ all Iin anii kiind of rush...
As we both chatted n chiilled out w/o haviing to worrii dat steph would b goiing hm late...
All Of a suDden we feLt dat the tiime was passIing uS bY bErii SlowLy...
n we were nOt usEd To Iit @ all!!!
Aniiwae by the tiime ii reached hm...
Iit was exactlY 10 pm n both of stePh's arMs were soRe frOm carrYiiNG sO mUch Stuffs Back...
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