2DaE stePh n famiiLy went MAriNa SquAre 4 lUnCh...
n As uSuAl...
we went 4 sOme casUal shOppIing aRd thE shOpS...
1St stOp stePh eNteRed SASA...
2 get My pErFumE...
after testiIng several fRagranCeS...
FrOm tOmmY hIlFigEr...
To PolO raLpH lAuren...
tO BuRberRy...
N fiinAllY...
Ii hV deCiiDed tO gEt BuRbErRy 'ThE bEaT'...
SmEllS sO nIice...
sO mY Dad BouGhT iiT 4 me after My PiiCkY cHoOsEs...
Next stOp we went ard G2000 Men...
Dad had actuallY wanted tO buY sOme shOrt slEeved shIirt 4 oFfiice wEar...
Howeva after mUch BrowsiiNG...
He coulD nOt fiinD a shiiRt wIif pOckeT iin FroNt...
Thus he deciided nOt bUy anii...
Den we pRoCeeDed On to WanKo to fiind mUm...
she saiid she wanted to buy a grey cOloured sweatEr to Miix her other grey clothiings...
Howeva seemed dat todae were not a gd dae 4 Both of mY parents...
coz even mY mUm oso cOuld nOt fiind...
thEy deciiDed to Go to JoHn lItTle to try theiir lUck...
BuT sad to sae...
Iit was A fRutiiLe attEmpt oNce more...
Iin the end mum bOught cusHiiOn cOverS 4 oUr lIiviing RooM's cuShiiOns iinStead...
StePh oN the other hand...
Bought a cOmfY mEmOrY pIilLow 4 My BEdrOoM...
Juz b4 we went back...
Mum n Ii walked round JohN lItTlE 4 the last tiime whiile waiiting 4 dad to come out from the gents...
we went to the accessOriiEs siide...
n there stepH chOse 3 Long necklaCes as well as a triiBAl styled earriinGs...
Ii osO got mY mAiid SenlY a SiilvEr cOloUred hEarT shaped chOkeR 4 HeR...
As She's gOiing Back to inDo sOon nExt thuRs...
II deciided to bUy sMth 4 her as A fareweLl giiFt...
N here ii Saw tiis chokEr whiich was lovely...
buT the maiiN pOiInt was wHen u oPenEd the heart shaped...
She can Put piics of her n her luRved Ones iin the 2 sLots...
iiN tiis wae she can feel close to them wheneva she c the photos...
Todae was a meaniingfUl dae 4 stePh...
whiich ii suPpoSed was b coz of mY fannaTiic shOppIIng sPree beiiNG the deviiL acTiiNG uP iiNSiiDe mY BodY oNce agaiiN...
Hee... =P
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