Ytd went Parkway after work miit my prii sch fren Lena 4 diinner...
@ the same tiime besiides miitiing her...
Ii miit my mum fiirst b4 hand...
she wanted to go to The Eye SigHt get Her specs...
sO after dat we went off to The FacEsHoP to purchase mY stuffs...
Once ii had fiiniished all my tiinKs...
As iit was too heavy 4 me to carry ard to miit Lena...
AppaRentlY ii HaD twO LaRgE baGs Of iiTems fRom the FaCesHoP...
sO ii got mUmmY to help me briing hm iiNstead...
The mOment ii bade my mum gd- Byes...
we walked ouR separate ways...
wHiile ofF ii Went to MaC to Miit Lena...
we Had oUR diinner there b4 waLkiing back to ParKwaY to start oUr shOppIing SpRee...
ShOp n ShoP...
sHortLy after ii went iinto NovO n boUght 2 PaiiRs of New arriiVals sandals...
B4 accomPanyiiNG Lena back to M)pHosIs to get her fAve Black Top as WeLl aS CottOn On tO gEt her shiiNy pAiir of sIilVeR pAlmS...
SeeMS lYke sTePh hAs 2 ShoPhAhOliiCs frEnZ tO aCcOmPanY mE 4 ShOpPiiNg...
After Our shOppiiNg...
b4 getiing back hm...
we went to the last stop- GoldHeart JeweLlerY...
To get mY diiamOnd Riing n anKlet...
My aNklEt was sent fOr sMolDerIing whEreAs mY diiamOnd riing was sent for resiiziing...
Iit was bOught bY One of My iiMediiate famiilY memBer...
Thank yOu sO mUch!!! ")
RealLii lUrVe iIT lOAds...
Wiill End here nw...
Waiitiing to Go 4 mY anOther rOund oF shOpping sOoN!!! =p
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