StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My pErMaNeNt CuRlS

TiiS iis mY nEw waVe lIikE cUrLs...

Iit was quiiTe wAvY @ fiiRst...

But nW iiT TurNed oUt LykE dat NoT b cOz iiT iiS sPoIilT...

bUt duE tO tHe afTer wasH...

N bLow drY...

DaTs y lYke dat...


Iin ConCluSiiOn...


Ii lUrVe iiT... ")

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ii JuZ lUrVe TiIs bUiIlDiiNg

DuNnOe y oF aLl BuiiLDiiNgs iiN SinGApOre...

Ii m EsP aTtRacTed tO tIis BuiiDiiNg...

PerHaps oF iiTs exQuiiStE aRcHiiTeCtUraL bUiiD Up...

The sLAnTiinG lOok oF iIT...

MAkeS StEpH TiiNk oF the EiFfEl ToWer iIn PaRis...


JuZ tRyIiNg OuT

ThEsE wErE TakEn Ytd On mY WaE tO The GyM as WeLl As tO lUncH @ KaLlAnG LeiSuRe pArK ReSpEcTiiVeLy...
ThOuGh BoTh PiiCs mY FAcE MaDe nOt mUcH DiiFf...
BuT ReLax GuYs...
Ii m Juz TrYiiNg To tEst OuT mY New Hp CamEra...
nOt bEiiNg NarsIiStIic aGaIiN HerE...
Ii hAVeN ReaLlIi FUllY GrasP thE vArIioUs uSaGe oF mY camEra Yet...
ThuS whiilE oN thE car...
BesiiDes liiSteNiiNg To mY mP3...
Ii DiiD sOme ExPerIimEnTs lOrZ...

StEpH'S TeMpOraRy CuRls

TiiS iIs StEpH's TemP CuRl...
HaD acTuallY waNted to Do iiT 4 frii's assEmblY...
Howeva cOz nO chEmiiCals was addEd to The hAiiR...
ThuS bY mOrniiNg...
My hAiiR goNe To the SquAre One...
No choiICe gOt to Bun mY hAiiR uP...
oN mOn...
Ii m GoiiNg to trY oUt pErmanEnT cUrLs...
Hv a New TrY wiIF mY HaiiR...
HopE iiT wiiLl lOok Gd RathEr Den AunTiie...

StEpH GoEs HaRi RaYa

B4 gOiiNg to WorK lasT fRii MoRniinG...

Mum gOt stePh 2 tK Tiis Piic...

Ii was Clad iin A mAlaY bAjU kEbaYa boRrOwEd FrOm NaDiA...

Ii Lyke The PiiNk ColOuR...

So SwEeT...

n The textUre Was sUpErb cOmFy...

Howeva by lAte moRniinG...

After the assEmbLy...

ii Had to ChanGe oUt FrOm IiT...

Coz iiT was berii Hot...

N mY lEgs were achIing frOm the weRIInG Of My HiiGh HeeLed pIinK WedGeS...


ii was EnJoYiiNg evErY mOmEnts oF iiT dat Dae as ii Had WoRn qUiItE a nUmbEr oF pRaiiSes FrOm The teaChErs...


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

IiT's Me OnCe Agaiin

HeLlo EvEryOne...
ii m tRyiiNg tO pOse RiiTe nw...
GoR gOr sae ii Posed bErii PretTy so Dats y ii m So hAppIi tO lEt her tK aLl mY piicS...

AlLy iiS thE fUtUrE mOdEl

DanG DaNg!!!
c Her lOvElY poSeS...


StEp 1: GettIinG readY oWaeS a CamErA...

StEp 2: Okii ReadY ii m GoiiNg tO Tk u Nw...

StEp 3: ReViiEw thE piiCs ii Had takEn to c iif theY r niicE...

TiiS iiS hoW tO cOunTer tK uR oPpOnEnT...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

ABC AbOuT StEpH'S QueStiIoNs

A-Available: SiinGle bUt iiTs cOmplIicAtEd
B- BiirthdAe: 9th MarcH 1988
C- CrushIinG On: HiiM
D- DrIiNk u LasT hAd: TeH O
E- EasIiest PersOn 2 ToK 2: YvO
F- FavOuRiitE sOnG: SupEr JunIoR ( It's YoU )
G- GumMy BeaRs oR GumMy WorMs: Bears
H- HoMeTowN: SinGapOrE
I- Iin LuRvE wiiF: HiiM
J- JugGlE: NopE
K- Kiilled SoMe 1: Ii WiisH
L- LonGesT Car Riide: SinGapoRe to DesarU
M- MiiLkShaKe FlAvOr: VanIilLa
N- NuMbeR oF SiiBliiNgs: OnLii ChIilD
O- OnE WiiSh: Ii HoPe To GeT EvErYtIinK ii WaN
P- PerSoN u last Cor: MuM
Q: QuiiZ PlAyEd MosT fReqUenTlY: ReGarDiiNg mY HoRoScOpE
R- ReasOn 2 SmiiLe: B cOz lIivE iiS oWaeS full Of SuRpRiisEs
S- SonG u LAst HeArd: SoRrY SoRrY
T- tiiMe U WaKe Up: 9 am
U- UnDerWeaR cOloR/ PatTErN: SiiMplE n PlAiiN
V- VeGeTablE ( S ): Ii m FuSsY
W- WoRst HabIiT: sPenDiiNg $$$$!!!
X- X- RayS u Hv Had: 3???
Y- YoYoS R: BacK iIn ThE tRend AgaIin
Z: ZoDiiaC SiiGn: PiSceS
RaNdOm QuEsTiiOnS BoUt StEpH:
SpEll Ur NamE w/O tHe vOwEls: StPhN
Wad cOlor dO u Wear MoSt??? BlAcK
LeasT fave ColOr: Red
Wad R u LiisTeNiiNg 2??? HaRu HaRu bY Big BaNg
R u HappIi WiiF uR liiFe riiTe Nw??? Iit Could hv beeN Beta
Wad iis ur Fave cLaz iiN scH??? Ii m Wae pAsSed iiT
R u Out GoIinG??? DePends
FavE PaiIr Of ShOeS??? mY pIinK wEdGes fRoM nOvO
WhErE dO u WiiSh U r rIiTe nW??? KoReA!!!
The CaNs:
Can U WhiiStlE??? Yes
RiiTE wIif Ur bOtH Hands??? NoPe
WaLk wiif ur toEs cUrlEd??? Yes
ThE dO'S:
Do u BeliiEf thEre iis LiifE oN oTher plAneTs??? MayB???
Do u bEliiEf iiN mIiRacLes??? nOt mUcH nW
Do u BeliiEf iin mAgiiC??? UncErtaIiNtIieS
LoVe @ 1sT siiTe??? No LonGeR
Do u BeliIeF iiN SaTan??? Yes
Do u NoE hOw 2 SwiiM??? A LiiTtLe
Do U lYkE rOlLeR cOaStErS??? ThrIiLlIinG
Do U TiiNk u CoUlD hAndLe thE sTufFs ThEy eAt oN tHoSe RealiiTy ShoWs??? EeEkS...
ThE hAvEs:
Hv u EvA bEeN oN A PlanE??? DuH
Hv u EvA asKed sOmE 1 OuT??? YuPp
Hv U bEeN aSkEd out By SoMe 1??? yEsH
Hv u Eva bEeN 2 The OceaN??? Ii HoPE 2
Hv u eVa PAiiNtEd uR naiils??? Of Coz
ThE WaDs:
Wad iis the tEmP oUtsiiDe??? hEard 4cast saE hiiGhest 31
WaD wAs The LAst restaUrant u Ate??? CrYstaL JaDe
Wad waS thE lasT TiiNk u BoUgHt??? ToLlOyJoY wET TiiSuEs
Wad was The lasT TiiNk U wAtcHed On Tv??? mY kOrean dRaMa
CrYiiNg SecTiiOn:
Eva rEalLii cRiIEd uR hEart oUt??? Yes
Eva cRiiEd uRsElf 2 Slp: yUpP
EvA cRiiEd oN uR fReNz ShoUldEr??? yEs
Eva CriiEd oVer thE opP Sex??? YupP
Do u cRy whEn u gEt aN iiNjUrY??? DePenDs On ThE sEriiOusnEss
Do cErtaiin sOnGs mAke u CrY??? DePenDs on mY mOoD BacK DeN
HaPpIi SeCtIioN:
R u A hAppIi pErSoN??? PeRhaPs
Wad can mAke u HappIi??? ToUgH
Do U wiIsH 2 B HAppIi??? ObViiOuS
CaN mUsiiC mAkE u HappIi??? DefIinIiTelY!!!
Hv U EvA:
BeEn 2 jAiiL??? No
LauGhEd So HaRd u CriiEd??? Yes
CriiEd Iin ScH??? yEs
ThRoWn up iiN a StOrE??? NopE
DoEs sMtH rEallIi sTuPiiD dAt u stIiLl lAuGh @ 2Dae??? Hmmmm
GoNe SkIiNnY DiiPpIinG??? WaIiT tIiLl Ii GoT ThE cOuRaGe
TiiS oR daT:
PepSi oR cOke??? NeiiTher
McDonAl'S oR BurGeR KinG??? Mac
SiinGlE oR gROuP daTes: boTh
cHocolAte oR vAniIlLa??? VaNiiLla
StraWbErRiiEs oR bLuEbErRiiEs??? StrawBerRiiEs
Meat or VegGiiEs??? BoTh
Tv oR mOviIe??? Tv
GuiiTAr oR dRuM: nOnE
AdiDas oR niKe??? AdIdAs
ChiiNese oR mExiIcAn??? BoTh
ChEeRiOs oR cOrNfLakEs??? Ii PrefEr hOneY sTarS
CakE oR pIie??? piiE
TiiS iiS cOuRtEsY 2 Ms WiNnIE ChaN mY MeIi mEii...
Coz ii was bOrEd sO ii Diid iiT juz 4 fuN... ")

Friday, September 18, 2009

ThE UgLy TrUtH

dat Dae whiile waiitiing for Lena...
Ii went to StyLe hAiR stuDio ViisiiT mY buDdiiEs...
But nvm would ii expEct dat frOm the iiniitiial TriimmIings of mY haiir...
iin the eNd...
B cOme cuT...
Iit was sliightlY shorter Den B4...
ThougH mY famiilY members sae iit diid nOt Make mUch diiff frOm my PreviioUs lEngth...
Howeva ii Diid fIind diiFf iin iit...
Coz tiis tiime rOund ii cannot tiie lyke b4 oReadii...
as iif ii tiiE...
iit wiill b a busHy taiil...
juz lyke an auntiie...
sO nO cHoiiCe ii hv tO tRy varIioUs waes oF tyIinG mY HAiir lOrz...


TakEn @ RaffLes CiTy lAst sUn...

wHen ii Was Wiif mY dad there 4 lUnch...

They were dOiing sOmE art fest tiingY n variious kiinds oF arts were beiing show- casEd there...

From calliigraPhY to Glass MakiiNg...

to abstract n water cOlouRed arts...

To tiis Iindiian cUltural arts...

Niice n iinTriiGiiNg...


Ah mA @ The CluB waiitiiNg for her diinner to b served...

Whiile stePh iis boRed waiitiiNg 4 mY cOuSiiNs to ArriIve...

ThuS ii Used mY nEw SamSunG pIxOn m8800 hP to tk tiis RandOm piic...

C how happIi ah ma was...

She 2 lUrves to tk PiicS bErii MuChiIe... ")

YiNg YiNg

YinG yInG pOsiiNg 4 JiIe jIiE to Tk PiicS 4 hEr...

StEpH'S sOn; Daughter N mEii mEii

Here r sOme of the piiCs of mY sOn...
n Meii meii...
The change was huge...
coz they were mY pRevIioUs cHiilDrEn FrOm mY pReviioUs sCh...
After ii left...
Iinstead of calliing me...
Miiss StePhaniE...
thEy nw chAnged to CalliinG mE eiither mUmmY oR jiiE jiiE...
ChiinEse foR eLder siiSta...
AboVe r sOme piics whiich ii took on bOth mOn n Tues duRiinG thEiir SwiimMiinG lesSon... ")

EriC's BaCk

2 days ago ii went to Pp...
n was surpriised to fiind my fren oriigiinaLly frOm GolDheaRt jEweLlerY tO b back workiing...
But tiis tiime round...
He nO lOnger works iinSiiDe Pp...
Iinstead he works near to The PoSb BAnk there...
Iits a newLy OpEneD pAwnShOp...
CoR mAxI CasH...
WhiilE aniiWae iits nIicE to C hIim bAcK there thoUgh tiis tiiMe rOund...
Iit seems lYke we got nth mUch to Tok...

Sunday, September 13, 2009




1 mth

2dae iis steph's 1 mth wiif EtoN hSe InternationAl...
Wow tiime fliies reallii fast...
Hmm hopEfullY ii can last lOng worKiing here...
Coz ii m reallii loViing tiis new enviironMent as well as mY colLeagUes...
Jiia YoU!!!
ThoUgh ii mIiz mY cHiilDrEn @ ShawS... "(

Friday, September 11, 2009

SaMsUnG 8800 PiXiOn

TiiS iiS StEpH's lAtEsT hP...

SamSuNg 8800 PiXiOn...

DaddY pUrPoSeLy went to The cOmex ShoW to get iit 4 me 4 juz $98.00...

OriigiinAllY Was juZ $178.00...

Iif we pUrchAsed StraiiGht frOm M1...

Ii StiiLl DunNoe waD gD uSes iiT has...

But wiiLl xPloRe n c How the camera goes...

Iits 8 mEga PixEl...


Gtg n read the iinsTructiiOn bOoKlEt le...

Gd Niite everyOne... ")

CRyStaL JaDe

Here r sOme oF the piics taken @ CryStal Jade juz nw whiile sTePh Was HAvIinG Her dIinnEr wiiF yVo...

Sad nExt wk...

Ii coulD not get a chance to miit uP wiiF her...

Coz her bf bloCk lEaVe...

ThUs She wannA acCoMpAnY Hiim...

EnJoY the Piics... ")

MoStlY r stePh's Cam whOriiNG thOugh...
