StePh's plAyliiSt

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Friday, September 4, 2009

MiiT Up WiiF YvO @ CIA T3

Todae @ 6.30 pm...
ii miit yvo at T3 4 diinner...
Nw iits confiirmed dat every frii shall b our miit up day...
so todae agaiin iis goiing to b weekend...
we went to T3...
iiniitiially was to gO pP...
But there shOp untiiLl berii bOred...
So change loCatiiOn...
Once we miit...
had wanted to Go PoPeYE...
But lUckY iin the End diiN...
Coz stePh dUn actuAllY qUiite fancY theiiR fOod...
so we went to Wang iinStead...
There we both Ordered Laksa...
N stepH even fiiNiisHed Up the sOup...
Yvo asKed mE ii m reallIi dat hungrY...
After dat ii ordered Teh c...
N hot lemoN tea to driinK...
whereas Yvo ordered set 1 of the toast bRead...
N iice lemoN tea wiif Iice MiilK tea...
Iin the end...
by the tiime we fiiniished diinner...
iit was goiing to 8 pm n we headed back to her hse to collect her clothes n shoes whiich she wanted to pas me...
B4 ii go hm...
Iit was a siimple dae 4 StePh todae...
w/o anii extraVagAnt sHoPpIinGs... ")

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