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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

No mIiT uPs

Coz ii was siick recently...
Lena msged me twiice tiis week...
todAe n Ytd sayiing to miit up...
but ii hv to reject her coz my parents dun allow me to go out...
they wan me to stay hm n recuperate 4 another few more days or so...
Tiill Ii hv fullY recovered...
bUt tiis oso means to sae dat...
ii wun b able to miit up wiif Lena after tml...
coz she wiill b workiing untiill she herself oso dunnoe when den she wiill b free...
Bo Bian lahz...
Msg me agaiin ya gal...
Tk care n reallii hope to c u sOoN... "/

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