LAsT nIiTe AfTeR My ShOppIinG TrIiP WiiF 李老师。。。
sTePh wEnT BacK Hm To GeT ReaDy tO gO CIA TerMiiNal 3 tO seNd saM sAM JiiE JiiE n AlViN Off To JApAn...
They Were sEnt By theiIR NUS to Go there wiif theiir ProFesSoR 4 a PResEntatiiOns cUm sEmIiNaRs...
sO bY 9.30 pm...
姑姑 n her famiilY came to fetch me...
n we set off to the aiirpoRt!!!
The mOmEnT ii Saw JiiE jiiE...
Ii RuShEd Up To Her to giiF hEr a biig Hug...
After deciidiing bout wad we shld do next...
AlVin saiid dat siince they stiill hv some tiime to theiir checked iin...
sO we went to eat smth iinstead @ PoPeYE...
ii ordered my calarmarii riings...
lemonaDe n smashEd poTatOes...
afTeR Dat...
we ate 8 pCs cHiicKeN as wEll...
iiT was sO fUlL bY The tiiMe we fiinIisheD everYtiInK...
After PopEyE we sent them 4 checK iin n Bade Them Gd bYes as weLl As BoN vOyAge b4 goiing back...
wIill oNlii get to c Jiie JiiE 3 wks lTr...
By the tiime they fetch me hm...
was oreadii 12 am...
Dead tiired...
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