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Saturday, September 5, 2009

WiiF YvO n EiLeEn

tOdAe ii hAd a MiiT Up WiiF mY yVo oNce agaIin...
Tiis Tiime rOuNd...
We hv eIlEen n famiilY tO adD oN...
Coz we went ecp 4 cycliing...
At ard 10 am plUs...
Fiirst stOp we went to Pp haWkeR ctr to Hv kWaY chaP...
B4 we start oUr cycLiiNg exPedIitIiOnS...
the 3 Of uS...
YvO n EilEen...
juz cycled 4 a berii shOrt diist...
b4 we went off 4 oUr sHopPiinG escApadEs @ OrchArd IoN...
We wenT To tK buS 36 dOwn to iOn...
N started oUr shOppIing...
As ii Was oReadii nOt feeliInG well sIince mOrnIing after mY sHower...
ii was quiIte lethargiic thru out the shOppIing...
Onlii YvO n EilEen were lOokIinG aRd...
HoweVa todae we managed to cOver mOSt of the Place At IoN...
N @ ManGo ii boUgHt 5 TanK ToPs oF vaRiiOuS cOlOrS...
CalCuLaTE uRseLf to NoE the TotaL pRiice each costiiNg $8.55...
a 5% diiscOunt frOm YvO's MembEr card...
DaTs all 4 todae coz ii m feelIinG siICk n hAd jUz wOkEn Up FrOm mY nAp SiinCe 3.30 Pm tiiS afterNooN... :/
P.S: ThoSe hU unDerstanD wad ii mEant regardiiNg the cYclIiNg tiiNgY...
YuPp iits pRettY lAme to Riite UntiiL lYke dat lAhz...
But pAls...
U shLd noE hU ii m RiitiiNG n ShowIing 2 Riite???

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