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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

StEaMbOaT @ RoxY SQuArE wiiF LenA

Nw ii m iin sch up datiing my blog whiile lookiing after 2 chiildren @ the same tiime...

Tiis sch iis berii relaxiing 4 me...

coz ii can log iinto the iinternet aniitiime ii wan so long as ii m free...

Ii hv a computer iin my classroom so accessiibiiliity to iit iis berii cOnvEniiEnt...


LucKy StEpH!!! =P

well ytd was teachers' dae...

so ii miit lena @ PP ard early eveniing...

cOz she was haviing her driiviing lesson earliier on...

As she suggested we go RoxY sQuare to hv steamboat...

Thus ii got my dad to fetch me to the bus stop juz iin front of Roxy Square n mEt hEr there...

Tiis tiime round we ate tiill $30.oo pluS...

thOugh iit was oreadii a normal pRiiciing wheneva ii eat wiif her as compared to when ii m wiif YvO...

whiich was juz ard $20.00 Plus...


After our steamY...

we were sUpErbLy Full dat we felT so LAzY to Walk on...

as Our LEgs coUld no Longer carry uS aNii FurthEer to PP...

But stiill we forced ourselves to move on...

N oNce we reached PP...

Ii went to Novo to CollEct mY sHoes...

After gettiing the sales gal to calculate the total once moRe...

The pRiice was actually Juz $166.80...

Not the pReviious priice of $171.60 as wad the other sales gal had told me the previious dae...

ii was quiite piissed off by her lousy serviice attiitude...

coz ii haad a paiir of sandals supposEdlY to hv a 20% diiscOunt...

N ii had speciifiically told her to count iin the after diiscoUnt pRiice...

Ii sOmemOre had asked her twiice iif she had counted the diiscount n she told me 'YeS'...

Iin the end...

when ii went ytd...

n heard bout the diiff iin priiciing...

Tiis ladY here saiid dat teh previious Wan Diin cOunt iiN the diiscount as Yet...

ii was Lyke...



wad soRt of serviice Iis Tiis???

Ii M goiing to loDge a cOmplAiint the next tiime round shld ii eva enter NovO n Encounter the same Prob Agaiin...

After NovO...

we went to EsPrit n Purchased mY 2 dresses...

Total was actually $279.80...

Howeva siince ii boUght 2...

n had oreadii ExceeDed $150.00...

whIich was the amt to B cOme an ECC memBer...

The sales lady asked me iif ii wanted to b theiir member...

Tiinkiing dat ii was oreadii theiir menber once...

n ii diid enjoyed great priivelleges from EspRiT the last tiime...

Had iit not 4 the fact dat my card had expiired after 1 Yr...

So ii agreeded readiily n Had a 10% off straiight awae...

iit was iindEed a great buy 4 me ytd...

But the 4 paiirs of shoes iin a biig bag...

wAs such a weiight 4 StePh...

dat ii could not walked much @ all...


Lena after accompanyiing me to get all My stuffs...

Was her turn to get smth 4 herself...

thus we went to Isetan...

CottOn On...


ChaRles n Keith...

as Well as Marks n Spencer tO fiind a Bra n shoes to match wiif one of her dress...

After manOveRiiNG 4 quiite sOme tiime...

she fiinallY got wad she wanted from Isetan...

We went to Isetan MAngo to Ask My sales gaL fren KellY...

The total Priice of My toPs after a 20% diiscOunt fRom TiiS mth's Her wOrld cUt Out cOuPoN...

Ii wiill gO Pp agaiin tiis cOmiing thuRs 2 get them usiIng the diiscOunt...


The last stop b4 we left Pp...

Was oF coz to The facesHop...

To ask the priices of those products ii had reserved frOm JinG wei...

So as to Pay them accurately the next tiime ii gO...


the OptiicIian from The Lens Men even joKiingLy asked iif ii m a majoR sharehOlder Of The FacesHop...

as he often c me walkiing iinto The facesHop almoSt everY weeK...


Exaggerated iit may b heard...

but dats reallii a fact...

Sad to sae ii m no Major shareholder of iit...


Wiill uPload piics ltr when ii go hm...

~Bz-IiNg Nw; pRePAriiNg To Go Hm~

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