StePh's plAyliiSt

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

EnD oF the YeAr

Once agaiiN...
Iits end of the yEar...
Whiich mEans iiTs tiiME 4 cOunt doWn to WelcOme the new yEar!!!
2009 we r goiing to sae gd Bye...
We r gOiing to welcome iit Wiif OpeN arMs...
TiiNkiing n reflEctIing how much we hV grOwn Up iiN tiiS oNe yR...
n dOiing ResOlutiiOns 4 the new yr...
Iits a JoyoUs occasIion as Ii sUppoSe mAnY PeePs Out there wiiLl b gOiing 4 the cOuntdOwn...
Had wanted to go...
To xpEriiEnce...
Howeva ii m berii AfraiiD of crowds...
Haviing phobIia 4 dat...
So Ii wIiLl juz stay @ hm...
watch the tv...
N do the cOuntdOwN @ hOme wiIf mY famiiLy iiNstead dEn...

P.S: @ the same tiimE ii would lyke to wiish guan Liang n archerna a happY 21st n 22nd B dae respEctiivelY... May all ur WiishEs ComE trUe!!! =)


wAs a LiittlE DiiSaPpOiiNted yTd when ii went to East ShoRe HospIitAl viisiit sAllY giim giiM n Her nEw boRn BabY...
coz by the tiiMe ii n mY pArents Went there...
Iit was oReadii pAst viisiiTiiNg tiiMe...
saLly giiM gIim Sae can OnLii c the BabY b4 8 pm...
sO we were Late By An hR!!!
Aniiwae ii can c babY berii soOn coz giim gIim n baby tiis comiiNg frIi as they wiIll B diischarged on dat dae...
Waiitiing to c the miiniiaTure AllY ( as wad her pArents n Ah mA saiiD ) lOok AlYke sOoN... =)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

29/12/2009 A hAppY oCcAsiiOn

yTd was a jOyOus dAe 4 My famIilY...
B coz we Had a nEw addiItiiOn to tHe cHoo fAmiiLy...
AllY has a baby mEii mEii...
n StePh oN the oTher HanD has anOther liittlE cousiiN...
Wiill Viisiit her n sAllY giim gIim toNiite...
@ eaSt Shore HospIitAl...
So near to my hse...
Dat ii can go n fiind TheM aniitiime ii wan..
congratS gIim GiiM n Gu gu to ur nEwbOrn chiiLd... ")

Monday, December 28, 2009

StArts WiiF A 'w' EnDs WiiF a 'D'

hiiS nAmE sTarTs wiiF the lEttEr 'W' n EndS wiif the lEttEr 'D'...
he iiS a mEmbEr oF CSC n viiSiiTs tHe gYm aLmoSt everY sUn...
OtherwiISe On CertAiiN weeKdaYs...
Ii gOt to noe hU hE iiS b cOz we Go To the sAme GyM...
n Tiis iis where ii started LiikIiNg hIim...
Though we SelDom Chat...
but juz By qUiietLy seeIing HiiM dOes Hiis woRkoUts wIill b suFfiIcIienT 4 Me to b hAppY...
He iIS cUrrEntLy sErvIing NS...
ThUS chances Of seeIing hIim everY sUn wiiLl B mUch HarDer dEn b4...
As sOmeTiiMeS hE nIidS tO b Iin cAmp...
But NoNetHElEss...
ii Wiill coNtiiNue to waiIt 4 hIiM tiiLl he IiS bAck... ")
*sIiMpLe lUrvE...
SiiMplE liifE...
TiiS iiS mE...

BacK tO rEaLiiTy

After caLmIing MyselF doWn n hv careFul toTs...
As WeLl As afTer hAvIing chAts wiiF a few BouT mY Close PaLs...
The lIikIing 4 hiiM iis nO loNger dat strOng As b4...
ii Fiind dat actually ii was juz HoldIing oN 2 past mEmOriiEs wHiicH ii hv oN hIim...
Thus hAvIing mIisUndersToOD dat ii m LiikIiNg hIim BacK oNce mOre...
He hAs fiiNallY rTn My mSg...
ThOugh was glad dat he rePliiEd...
But @ the same tiime the MomEnt oF happIinEsS diiD nOt last long...
He went On A last mIin holiidaY trIip to mAlaySiia...
Nw ii m fEelIing muCh More relIieved...
As ii nOe hU ii TrUly lIike iiN mY hEart...
HoweVa ii hv got to Try my bEst tO get tO nOE the 1 StayiiNg iin My Heart...
Ii wIill cOntiiNue wiif wad iI m cuRrenTlY dOiiNg to AchEiIvE mY goAls... ")

Saturday, December 26, 2009

StEpH's CasHbOoK

Tiis iiS a casHbook whiich steph bought the other dae @ PP when ii was wiif mEi Xuan...

Tot iit was niice n would b handy 4 me to kiip Tracks of my spendiinGs...

Thus ii bought iit down together wiif Hiis...


Nw steph records mY daiily spendiings n foUnd dat...


iiT was reallii large sUms of $$$ iin a mth....

reallii got 2 learn how to cUt down on mY spEndiinGs oReadIi...

othErwiiSe ii wiiLl suRe to b BankRupT iiN no tIime...

X'MaS giiFt 4 HiiM

Tiis was supposed To b a x'Mas giift 4 hiim...

But siince he has No iintentiiOn of MiitiiNg uP...

Hmmm ii guess Ii wiiLl juz leave iit iiN mY dRawer Den... "/

StePh's neW sPeCs

StePh juz got mY new spEcs frOm AndRew...

@ $300.00...

LurveS iit...

Thanks Dude 4 helpIing mE chooSe...

N yes...

Ii hv uPloaded My piiCs oN fB as Wad Andrew Had saiID...


EeYoRe JoiiNiiNg uS 4 DiinnEr

After Bugis where Lena went 4 her tanniing @ fabUloUs...

We headed doWn to TM to eat TeppaNyAki 4 diinner...

N EeYore joiined us 4 diinner as well...

Look how straiight iits posture was...

N how hungry iit looked...

So cuTe!!! =)

StePh n EeYoRe

Dun Get the wrOng iiDea PeePs...

Ii m stiiLl DeePly iin Lurve wiif My PiiGlEt...

Tiis eeYore bElongs to Lena...

Ii bought iit 4 her last thurs as x'Mas giift...

But coz she dun dare to carry iit ard...

So no choiice ii help her carrY iinstead lOrz...


Friday, December 25, 2009

LaLalAlAla wAhaHahAhAha Ho H0 Ho MerRy X'MAs eVerY 1!!!

We wiiSh u A mErrY cHrIisTmaS...
We wiiSh u A mErrY chRiistMas...
We wiish U A mErRy ChriiStmAs n a hAppY nEw Year!!!
2dae iis x'mas Dae...
n tiis afternOoN juz went leisure Park wiif daddy 4 a siimplE lUnch...
whiile ii was queuiing 4 mY cream pasta...
The UnclE servIing mE asked me wad siigniifiicant was ChriistmAs 4 me...
Ii paused 4 a mOment n tot...
Den Ii juz shrugged mY shoUlders n answered nth...
He was taken aback sliightlY by mY respOnse...
ii was too...
but ii juz could not tiiNk of wad to sae to hIim @ dat Poiint of tiime...
Howeva after reflectIing back on my spEecH...
Ii tiink ii shld sae' X'mas iis a dae 4 shariing n exchangiing of presents...
iis A dae where we cOme together to SustaiiN pEace n HappiinEsS...'
WheN ii Get bacK homE...
Ii came a few oF these X'mAs quOtEs whiiCh ii fiiNd mEanIingfUl n wOuld lIike to Tk tiis spEciial Dae to Share wiiF alL of U...

Charles Schulz: Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.
Thomas Tusser: At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year.
Grace Noll Crowell: Whatever else be lost among the years, Let us keep Christmas still a shining thing: Whatever doubts assail us, or what fears, Let us hold close one day, remembering its poignant meaning for the hearts of men. Let us get back our childlike faith again.
AlthOugh Iis x'MAs dae todae...
Howeva ii Dun feeL anii chRiStmAs MooD @ all...
StiiLl doiiNG the same bOriing tiiNks whiiCh ii dO daiilY...
N oSo sTiiLl WaiitiiNg 4 a mSg fRom Hiim...
WiiLl mY faiiRy God mOther B KiiNd enuff To grant mE mY wiisH tiiS seasOn???
Ii wiiLl KiiP waiitiiNg patIientLy 4 an anSwer...
cOz tiiS iiS noT a dae To tiiNk BouT suCh uNhapPy TiiNks... ^.^

Thursday, December 24, 2009

FeeLiiNg cOnfUsEd

CurrEntLy ii m BegIinNiiNg To FeeL cOnFuSed Bout wad Ii m TiiNkiiNg Riite nW...
ii Really wOndEr iiF my hEart shLd reAllIi tiiNk tiiS wae bOut HiiM...
M ii staRtiiNg to Fall 4 Hiim wiiF juz Onlii a few mSgS as WeLl aS unDersTanDiiNg oF hIim???
ii m trUlY afraIid tiis Tiime roUnd...
Coz ii Noe tiiS iis BerIi diiFf FrOm wad ii HAd encoUntered B4...
ii DuNnoE wad Ii shlD do regardiIng Tiis So callEd UnrequiiTted liikIinG...
ii WoUld BerIi mUch liikE to B acKnOwlEdGed bacK as MucH as He wOuld LiiKe ppL to aPpreciiAte HiiM...
Can my faTe chAnGe 4 the beta After kNowiiNg hiim???
Ii m TrUlY thaNkful n greaTfUl to HiiM 4 tHe MotiiVatIioNs hE hAd giiVen Me...
But ii noe ii ShlD juz stop hEre Riite???
Ii shLd not tiiNk fuRther den Tiis CorreCt???
ii sHld sToP all The UnWanTed DreaMiiNgS bOut hIim riite???
ii Jolly well shLd noe ii cannot post tiis On mY Blog...
coz ii m afraiid iif eva he reads tiis...
wad wiiLl he tIinK of Me???
BuT ii fouNd dat ii had actually started liikiing Hiim siiNce Our oLd sec sch Days...
Although we hv not sPoken to EacH other BacK thEn...
Wanted to TeLl hIim ThoUgh...
But ii juz dUn dare to...
4 fear of reJectiiOns...
4 fear Of avOiIdDanCe fRom Hiim iin fUture...
4 fear Of all the Negatiive tOts ii had iiN mY mIind...
FunnY thOugh bUt iits unpRediictaBle regardIing SucH tiiNks Most of the Tiime...

2dae iis x'Mas eve...
Ii juz came back from shOppIing wiif Lena...
Waiitiing 4 hiis rePly aS waD he sAe...
But nth as @ the mOmenT...
StartiiNg to Miiz Hiim...
Howeva kNowIing tiis cannOt happEn bEtweeN the 2 oF uS.... =(

Ii can nw juz onLii cOntiinUe the wae how iit iis riite nw...

w/o haviing to spoiil the frenshIip betweeN the 2 of Us...


你说我 像个孩子爱耍赖风无须 逞强因为雨不在羽毛飞 飘舞在静止沙漏中思念 傻傻地 水中游剪不断 彷佛坠落万尘空理还乱 浮云但添愁外愁难将息 躲於乍暖还寒之际带我飞 因为你我们可以寻寻觅觅 浮浮沉沉无边无际 应不应该一字一语 爱是千种姿态无罣无碍 到现在才明白

Ii Heard tiiS SoNg earLiiEr oN wHeN ii was @ mY granDmA's hSe...

SiimPlY lUrve Iit IiMmEdIiateLy as iiT quiiTe reFlecTs weLl On hOw Ii m FeelIing doWn Riite nw...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

X' mAs wiiSh

My X' mAs wiiSh 4 2009???
Hmmm HavE been TiiNkiing oF tiis Qn aLl The TiiMe lAteLy...
CourSe iiN pSycHolOgY iis StartiiNg sOoN...
Most pRob nExT mTh...
HopefUllY ii Can ManAge iiN bOth mY stUdiiEs N woRk...
Ii niiD sOme MoTiiVatIiOnS!!!
Hu CaN hElP mE???
Ii woUld lUrve to FiinD SomE1 hu caN appRecIiatE mE as mUcH as ii AppReciiAte myselF...
Ii dun WiisH to Liive mY liiFe iiN VaIin w/O gettIing ApPreCiiatEd Iin RtN...
Dat would b so saD... =(
Tiis TiiMe RoUnd...
Ii dUn waNna AsK 4 mUcH...
Juz waNna sPend a PeacEfUl N quiiEt dae wiiF mY famIilY n BFFs...
MerrY X'Mas 2009 everYoNe!!! ")

Saturday, December 19, 2009

PreTtY GaL

PrettY pReTtY Ally...

Ii juz LurVeS Her alOt...

She iIS so cUte wiiF aLl Her VarIioUs posEs... ")

keNa tAkeN bY otHEr

These Piics were taken when Ii M trYiIng to Tk HelEne...
Den iin the end...
She too usEd mY Hp to Tk My piics...
But the effecTs cOme oUt quIitE pRettY... ")


StEpH SnApPeD ShOts Meii mEii As weLl whIile She Was uSiiNg My Hp to Tk Piics Of mE...
ReaLlY hAd fUn wiiF her Ytd...
LAme But haPpIi Was the MooD...

~ BoReEdDd ~

tHesE r the Last pIics StePh tOok of herselF Iin the OffIice b4 she starts work next mOn...
Oh GosH ii wanNa hV mOre lEaves!!!
Ii mIiz mY mUm'S offiICe N frenZ iI nOE tHERE... =(

StEph n HeleNe mEii Meii

ytd HelEnE mEii Meii cAme to offiiCe eat lunch wiif me...
She iis one of the colleagues' daughter workiing iin my Mum'S offiice...
Tiis yr she iis 13 yrs Old n she iis a fun to b wiif...
joviial n bubbly gal...
so as usual...
we started to tk Piics roUnd the oFfiicE b4 n after lunch due to boredoM...
Hope to c her sooN oNce agAiiN... ")
Enjoy The pIics PeePs...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

K-IiNg @ Hm

WhiiLE waiiTiiNG 4 mY TuRn to SiiNG...
Ii cAm- WhoRed myseLf Coz Of bOreDom...
iiT was Great NonEthElEss To Hv uR oWn KaRaoKe sYstEm @ Hm wiiF all The lAstEst Songs...
Niid Not sPenD $$$$ ouTsiiDe too...