CurrEntLy ii m BegIinNiiNg To FeeL cOnFuSed Bout wad Ii m TiiNkiiNg Riite nW...
ii Really wOndEr iiF my hEart shLd reAllIi tiiNk tiiS wae bOut HiiM...
M ii staRtiiNg to Fall 4 Hiim wiiF juz Onlii a few mSgS as WeLl aS unDersTanDiiNg oF hIim???
ii m trUlY afraIid tiis Tiime roUnd...
Coz ii Noe tiiS iis BerIi diiFf FrOm wad ii HAd encoUntered B4...
ii DuNnoE wad Ii shlD do regardiIng Tiis So callEd UnrequiiTted liikIinG...
ii WoUld BerIi mUch liikE to B acKnOwlEdGed bacK as MucH as He wOuld LiiKe ppL to aPpreciiAte HiiM...
Can my faTe chAnGe 4 the beta After kNowiiNg hiim???
Ii m TrUlY thaNkful n greaTfUl to HiiM 4 tHe MotiiVatIioNs hE hAd giiVen Me...
But ii noe ii ShlD juz stop hEre Riite???
Ii shLd not tiiNk fuRther den Tiis CorreCt???
ii sHld sToP all The UnWanTed DreaMiiNgS bOut hIim riite???
ii Jolly well shLd noe ii cannot post tiis On mY Blog...
coz ii m afraiid iif eva he reads tiis...
wad wiiLl he tIinK of Me???
BuT ii fouNd dat ii had actually started liikiing Hiim siiNce Our oLd sec sch Days...
Although we hv not sPoken to EacH other BacK thEn...
Wanted to TeLl hIim ThoUgh...
But ii juz dUn dare to...
4 fear of reJectiiOns...
4 fear Of avOiIdDanCe fRom Hiim iin fUture...
4 fear Of all the Negatiive tOts ii had iiN mY mIind...
FunnY thOugh bUt iits unpRediictaBle regardIing SucH tiiNks Most of the Tiime...
2dae iis x'Mas eve...
Ii juz came back from shOppIing wiif Lena...
Waiitiing 4 hiis rePly aS waD he sAe...
But nth as @ the mOmenT...
StartiiNg to Miiz Hiim...
Howeva kNowIing tiis cannOt happEn bEtweeN the 2 oF uS.... =(
Ii can nw juz onLii cOntiinUe the wae how iit iis riite nw...
w/o haviing to spoiil the frenshIip betweeN the 2 of Us...
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