We wiiSh u A mErrY cHrIisTmaS...
We wiiSh u A mErrY chRiistMas...
We wiish U A mErRy ChriiStmAs n a hAppY nEw Year!!!
2dae iis x'mas Dae...
n tiis afternOoN juz went leisure Park wiif daddy 4 a siimplE lUnch...
whiile ii was queuiing 4 mY cream pasta...
The UnclE servIing mE asked me wad siigniifiicant was ChriistmAs 4 me...
Ii paused 4 a mOment n tot...
Den Ii juz shrugged mY shoUlders n answered nth...
He was taken aback sliightlY by mY respOnse...
ii was too...
but ii juz could not tiiNk of wad to sae to hIim @ dat Poiint of tiime...
Howeva after reflectIing back on my spEecH...
Ii tiink ii shld sae' X'mas iis a dae 4 shariing n exchangiing of presents...
iis A dae where we cOme together to SustaiiN pEace n HappiinEsS...'
WheN ii Get bacK homE...
Ii came a few oF these X'mAs quOtEs whiiCh ii fiiNd mEanIingfUl n wOuld lIike to Tk tiis spEciial Dae to Share wiiF alL of U...
Charles Schulz: Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.
Thomas Tusser: At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year.
Grace Noll Crowell: Whatever else be lost among the years, Let us keep Christmas still a shining thing: Whatever doubts assail us, or what fears, Let us hold close one day, remembering its poignant meaning for the hearts of men. Let us get back our childlike faith again.
AlthOugh Iis x'MAs dae todae...
Howeva ii Dun feeL anii chRiStmAs MooD @ all...
StiiLl doiiNG the same bOriing tiiNks whiiCh ii dO daiilY...
N oSo sTiiLl WaiitiiNg 4 a mSg fRom Hiim...
WiiLl mY faiiRy God mOther B KiiNd enuff To grant mE mY wiisH tiiS seasOn???
Ii wiiLl KiiP waiitiiNg patIientLy 4 an anSwer...
cOz tiiS iiS noT a dae To tiiNk BouT suCh uNhapPy TiiNks... ^.^
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