StePh's plAyliiSt

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

29/12/2009 A hAppY oCcAsiiOn

yTd was a jOyOus dAe 4 My famIilY...
B coz we Had a nEw addiItiiOn to tHe cHoo fAmiiLy...
AllY has a baby mEii mEii...
n StePh oN the oTher HanD has anOther liittlE cousiiN...
Wiill Viisiit her n sAllY giim gIim toNiite...
@ eaSt Shore HospIitAl...
So near to my hse...
Dat ii can go n fiind TheM aniitiime ii wan..
congratS gIim GiiM n Gu gu to ur nEwbOrn chiiLd... ")

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