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Saturday, December 12, 2009

My MaNiiCuReD NaiiLs

LaSt Wed...

Lena sae dat she wanted to Go Do pEdiicURe...

Thus we miit uP 4 steambOat nEar mY hSe...

B4 we walked to Roxy SquAre n diid our naIilS @ De NailZ Spa...

@ fiiRst sTePh Diid Not TiiNk oF wAntiiNg to Get a ManIicURe...

HowEva As LEna stiiLl CouLD nOt Make uP HEr mIiNd iiN fRonT of All The dIifF ColORs...

Thus ii DeCiidEd to GET my NaiiLs PoliiShEd whIiLe WaiiTiiNg 4 HEr...


The cOloUr was nIiCe wiiF the GliiTtEr On...

ThoUgh Was Quiite LykE 4 a FrencH mAnii...

Howeva Ii Juz Lurve iIt...

N The serviiCe ii FiinD dat was nOt tOo Bad EiithEr...

Thus gOnnA siiGned a pAckAge 4 Both Manii n PedIicUreS wiiF theM... ")

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