StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

StEpH's CasHbOoK

Tiis iiS a casHbook whiich steph bought the other dae @ PP when ii was wiif mEi Xuan...

Tot iit was niice n would b handy 4 me to kiip Tracks of my spendiinGs...

Thus ii bought iit down together wiif Hiis...


Nw steph records mY daiily spendiings n foUnd dat...


iiT was reallii large sUms of $$$ iin a mth....

reallii got 2 learn how to cUt down on mY spEndiinGs oReadIi...

othErwiiSe ii wiiLl suRe to b BankRupT iiN no tIime...

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