StePh's plAyliiSt

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Monday, December 14, 2009

X'MaS giiFt FrOm NaDiA

Tiis cUp Reallii FiITs mE to The BiiLl!!!
EvEryOne sUrrOunDiinG mE nOes Dat ii m A pRiinCeSs n Ii lYke the cOloUr PiiNk...
So DoeS nAdia...
Thus shE tOld mE dat when She saw tiis cUp...
She Knew Dat iit was mEant 4 me...
So she bOught iiT 4 mE...
Juz dat Iinstead of A cat...
There's actuallY a Piig whiiCh ii lYke...
Howeva iiT doEs nOT hv the StaTemEnt 'Ii m A pRiiNCeSs...'
ThankS oNCe agaiiN...
Reallii AppReciiAte iit 4 uR effOrt... ")

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