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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

AlLeGrA n JoSh

We OwAes DiisTurBed GiiRl GiiRl ( AllY's Pet NAme Whiich We hAd GiivEn tO hEr ) dAt bOtH mR. mArk N Mr. JosH r Her Bfs n Dat she got to chOose reallY carefUl so As nOt to HuRt aniiOne oF theiIR feelIings...
Coz WheneVa TiiS LiittLE Gal SeeS eiiTher oNe oF theM...
She sUre wiiLl LeT gO oF mY HanDs N Run To theIir DiirectiiOns...
N tiiS makE mE sO JeaLouS...
Wad ChariIsMa doEs tiiS twO bOys HV dat oWaes AllY wiiLl RuN toWardS them...
PerhAps they Hv 'BriiBed' Her w/o mE kNowiiNG wiiF smTh dat she LiikEs...
Ans iis: Coz they r oWaes NiicE to HEr...
They Are not Fiirm to Her unLiikE uS...
Thus she enjoys theiir comPanIiOnsHiiP lOAds... =)
But well Ii do hV to AdmiiT...
They R reallY nIIce n Fun Ppl to B ard Wiif... =)

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