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Friday, May 28, 2010

I Tot

i Tot I cOuLd DO the RitE tiNk Tis TiMe RoUnd...

I Tot I cAn TeLl 谢先生 the Rite wae as I wanted it 2 b...

But NoPe...

In the End...

I scRewEd everytInK uP...

In My OpInIon...

It's TotAl MesS!!!

Total ShiT!!!

TinKing oF cLeariNg uP...

Yet at the sAme tiMe m AfraId To...

4 fear dat Wad I hv bEen tiNkIng wIll SurElY cOme tRue...

4 fEar oF the AwKwArdNeSs we Hv to Face In the FutuRe...

4 Fear Dat he wiLl b TotaLlY pIsSed Off By mE...

N iGnOre Me FrOm Den oN...

These r tHe LeAsT tINkS wHicH i EvA wAntEd tO eNcoUntEr aGaIn...

4 I hAd BeeN thEre UmPtEeN tImEs...

N i Noe CleArLy hOw HoRriBle tHe FeeLiIng Was...

Very MuCh I wIsH tO cHaNgE mY LiFe tO a BetA 1...

StiLl I nOe...

TiLl Nw I cOuLd not...

GettIng UpSet OVer It...

WiLl OnLy MAke MAttErs WorsE...

WilL oNlY WaNna MakE mE gO dRiNk EvEn More DesPitE bEiNg A LoUsY DrInkEr...

Will Want mE tO BAcK aWae n B A sOre Loser...

EvEn B4 ConfEssIng...

I m OrEadI a WalKiNg zOmBie...

Let aLonE nW wHen EvEryTiNk I sAe Was So TerrIblY WrOng...

TeArs Juz woUlDn't wAn to FlOW oUt...

4 They r TryinG to Act toUGh...

Trying to NuMb MysElf fRom TinKing all ThesE bY FinDing As ManY tInkS to Do as PossiBle...

But bY nITe FallS...

EverytInK faLls Back Into pLace...

I m OncE again bAcK to SqUare 1...

BacK to TinKing whEre the hEll hv i ActuallY dOne Wrong to Get suCh trEatMeNts...

Not onlI Juz in r/s...

but oso evErytInk dat I hv Done...

It's ReallY hard 4 Me 2 RegaiN bAck To mY Old SelF...

InnOceNce nO lOnger wiF Me...

OnLy ComPleXiTiEs StaY by My sIde nW...

I wISh I cOulD tUrN bAcK tIme...

but I nOe I cAn'T...

4 I hv oReadI lOst lOaDs Of mY dEarEst n CheriShed Ppl...

w/O mE KnoWinG...


They Hv lEft...

nv to RtN...

ReaLly FML!!!

m Trying mY Best to moVe On n Not B BotHerEd bY ani Other TiNks...

But PerhAps b cOz Tis Is the nAture of mY HorOscOpE...

Thus I sTiLl hv the tendencY of bEing SenSitiVe tO hoW oTher's Feel bOut Me etc...


I noE dat @ lEast I m TrYing to SmiLe mOre latelY...

TryIng to B hAppY n CheerfUl...

TrYinG to b NicE to EveryOne...

TryIng to chAnge mYselF For the bEta...


I wIsh...

EverYtiNk WiLl gO sMootHlY foR mE...

MovE On n EverYtiNk wIll b fIne!!!



加油!!! =)

Nw i Can oNlIi aPoLoGise to That sOmeone For CauSing SucH trOubLe...

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