StePh's plAyliiSt

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

naDiA; StEpH n thE ChiilDrEn iiN kiMoNo

CaN U DiiStIingUiiSh Hu R Jap ChIiLdReN HerE???
AnS: The GaL wEar the PiiNk HeLlO kIttY cOstUme wiiF cUrlY HAiiR n The BoIi WeAriing tHe bLuE cOloUrEd Wan...
ThE gal Iis RiNkA n She iiS pUrE jAp whereas the bOy iIs KaZjO n hE iis HalF bRit haLf JaP...
The 2 LiittLe oNeS oN the cOntArY aRe AllEgRa N EtHan...
AllY aS mY BAbY gAl whIiLe EtHaN as NaDiA's BabY bOii...
N for ur IinFo...
They R twIinS... =)

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