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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

StePh n AllEgRa

Tiis Was Taken DuriiNG the Jap AssEmBlY whEn KatelYn Saw How cUte She was Iin Her KiMono n AskEd to tk A piiC of HEr...
ActuallY ii HAd wanted to PuT giiRl GiiRl Down...
But she Juz woUldn'T want To n IinsteD CluNg OntO mE Even Tiighter...
So No choiice shE tooK hEr TogEhter wiiF mE cArrYiiNg HEr...
Ii tot Dat ii WouLn't b Iin the Piic as she was the mAiin Lead...
Thus ii LookEd aWae...
But hU Noes Ltr when The Piic was sent to Me...
II was iin Iit ToO wiiF mY eyEs lOokIiNg elSewhere n She faciiNg The cAm...
But nOnEthElEss...
IiT Was NiicE...
ThAnkS KAteLyn... =)

TiiS Was TakEn Iin cLaz When Ii Saw HEr WeariiNg KiMonO ToO...
N thuS Ms. VinIta HeLpEd uS tK...
EverYbOdy Sae we Look AlMOst AlIikE...
Wad Do U TiiNk???

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