StePh's plAyliiSt

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Monday, May 10, 2010

NadiA n StEpH

Nw WhEnEvA wE WalKed TogEthEr- GetHeR iiN ScH...
PpL WuN b AbLe to DiiStiiNGuiISH thE 2 oF uS aPart...
Coz TheY wiiLl B LyKe...
@ a GlanCe Ii toT u Were StePh WheN IiTS Bao cHu JiiE oR Eh U Were ActuAllY sTePh; ii tot U Were NadIa When Iit iIS mE...
But stiiLl Nvm...
@ least Got sOme assoCiiatiiOnS dat they noE we r pRettY clOSe wiiF oNe AnothEr...

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