StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, May 15, 2010


ThEsE PiICs HEre Were All BerIi CuIi...
Dat Dae CoUlD nOt CapTuRe the PErfEct ShoTs...
TrIied SevEral TiimEs n OnLii TheSe We tIink R Not Too Bad...
Went Eat cHiicKEn riiCe wiiF BAo BEii After She Had Done HEr Eye LasHeS ExteNdSiiOns @ RoxY sQuare...
Den we HEaded DoWn to MAriNe ParadE nEiIGhBoURhOod After BuYiiNG BeErS fRom thE NEarBy 7-11 n Began DriiNkIiNg...
At ard 8.30 pM PlUS coz StePh wAnnA go HomE stUdY...
sO we Left the Place whiiLe shE met hEr oTher FrenZ 4 2nD RouND oF dRiiNkIIngS...

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