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Saturday, April 24, 2010

An InTeReStIiNg ScEnE

On tHurS...
WhIilE ii Was On my Wae bAcK To aH mA hSe fRom SMA...
Ii boArDed bUs 197 and saw an iinTeresTiIng sCeNe...
A maN iin Hiis MiiD 20's siitIinG Iin FrOnt Of Me sUddEnLy HeLd uP Hiis WhiiTe cOloUred UmBreLlA and sTarted StrOkiiNg as Well As HuGgIiNg Iit...
Den He bEgan To tOk tO iit...
AskIinG the UmBreLlA nOt to B aFraIid as He Wiill B bY iiTs siiDe No mAttER wAd HappEns...
He LoOkEd at thE uMbReLla aMiICaBlY...
FoNdNeSs iIn HiiS EyEs...
He Sae dat He GottA gO fIigHt EvErYbOdY WhO oPpoSed thEiir R/s...
N the next MiiN ii KneW...
He tuRned To The WiinDow...
FiiNgErs CraWled Up LykE a cat...
back ArcHiiNg...
n Started GrOwlIinG...
SnArIing As wEll As SnEeRiing AwAe...
SaYiiNg daT No 1 Can SepAraTe Hiim N 'Her' aParT...
TheY wiill OvErComE All ObStAcLes...
TheY wiIl FiiGht 4 PeaCe...
JusTiiCe n LoVe...
TiiS cOmMoTiiOn IirriItAtEd MosT oF thE cOmmutErs...
Howeva ii Found dat iit was QuIite an IinTerEstiiNg siiGht...
N Tiis lastEd All The wae TiLl ii AlIighTed The bUs...


IiTs a LiiTtLe ToO lAtE foR me To ReGrEt RiiTe nW...
StePh StArTeD oN mY InTRo tO PsYcHoLoGy TeSt YtD AfTerNoOn...
duratIioN Was 90 MiiNs...
n Ii started @ Ard 2.45 pm...
EndEd iiT @ ard 3.53 pm...
Ii kIip tiinkiing dat iit was a 60 miins test...
thus whIilE lOokIiNg @ the cloCk...
ii started To PaniiC...
iin mY mIind...
Ii kEpt FearIing dat the test was Tough...
sO ii Had to Start early...
Thus w/o Reallii fiiniiShed Readiing all the chaptErs...
AppArently ii was stiIll 5 ChapterS sHort of ReadiiNg n ii began the MulTipLe ChoIicEd QuEstIiiOns...
Nw ii can OnlIi hOpe dat ii can @ least get a 50-50 chAncE of PassIinG...
OtherwIise ii Wiill Really crY my Hearts out coz Ii Knew dat had ii fiiniished readiing all the chapters...
ii wouLD B aBLE TO aNSWeR ThEm all Wiif Ease... =)

Friday, April 23, 2010

WaD a DaE

Last frIi After ii WenT to yvO's HSe to collEct my Stuffs...

Ii went dOwn to ParkWay to Miit lEna...

She was There @ d' ImAge ColOuriiNG hEr HaiiR...

Ii waiiTed For a whIile @ Derma- mEdic and Was ShocKed to Noe Dat mY faciial TheraPiisTs Knew One of mY hAiiRsTyliiSt jAcK!!!

They Were suRpRiised toO...

Coz jAck was theiiR god Son n bRo...


How come sO cOiinCiiDent...

CoulDn't BeliiEve iIT dEspiite cOnfiiRmiiNg aLl the DesCriiptiiOns bOut Hiim fRom Them...

Den wHen Lena Was dOne...
We wEnt to Eat cHiicKy RiicE b4 sHoppIing Ard Pp as She Wanted to buY sOme fOod For HoMe...
N ii On the othEr hAnd Wanna Go BacK to Mug For mY TesT...
WhiiCh ii Diid not Iin The End... =(

PaStAmAniA oNcE mOre

Ii Went out wiiF Lena The fOllOWiing dae...
Tiis TiiMe rOund we went to Far east...
Coz she hAd wanted To Buy ClothEs...
So Ii accOmPaniiEd hEr...
As ii Had ProMiiSed Her The pReviioUS niIte dat iiF ii Was FeeliiNg bEta...
ii wiill Go dOwN toWn Wiif Her...
Iin the enD...
By the tiiMe ii reacHed home...
Iit Was OreadIi 10.30 pm...
N b4 dat wE weNt to Eat pAstamAnia...
had cRaviiNgs 4 PasTa Dat wEek...
ApOloGiiEs To U Gal dat ii Kept hUrrYiiNg u To Go bacK Hm...
Coz PareNts were oreADii BAck...
Thus cUrfEw iiS bAcK oNce agaiin... =(


My ParEnts Came BAcK fRom theiiR hOls...
WhiiCh mEant to Sae dat My FrEeDoM EndEd as WeLl...
StIiLl Ii WenT Out To miiT lEna...
But as ii WasN't fEeLiiNg dat well...
Ii sTarted ShiiVEriiNg sIinCe the tiiMe When ii Was @ Sch...
but coZ ii HAd OreAdii ProMiisEd hEr dat ii WoulD go Eat sTeAm wiiF hEr @ Jin Deli...
SomEwHerE Near mAxWell FooDcOuRt...
sO afTer wOrk...
ii wEnt bAck to aH Ma Hse to change...
TooK 2 PanDadoLs n Went to hEr hse to miit her @ her hse...
Iit was RaiiniIng hEaviiLy dat dae...
By the tiiMe we reachEd jin Deli...
Steph was feeLiiNg ExtreMelY cOld From The Aiir Con oN the bUs dat had BloWn sO sTrOnglY sTiill @ mE desPiite HAviiNG sHiiFted the aIiR Con AwAe fRom Me...
aFter EatiiNG...
Coz ii ReaLly Wasn't feelIing Dat gd...
Ii tolD lEna dat ii HAd to Cancel the oRchArd tRiip Wiif hEr...
ii went straiight HoMe...
Diin EnJoY my Steam Dat Dae...
Coz ii Felt BerIi IinDiiGesTed n unCoMfoRtabLe... =(
When ii Went bacK Hm...
Mummy pAsSeD mE a BoTtlE oF lAcsOstE PerFumE wHiich sHE hAd BouGHt 4 mE kNowiiNG daT ii lYke PerfUmes.. =(
Iit was afterall A gd Tiink 4 Me dat niiTe...
Gg hOme EarlY @ ard 8.30 Pm...
1St tiiMe!!!
WooTs... >.<


LaSt MoN...
WhiiLE My PaReNts WeRe StiiLl @ maCau...
Ii mEt lEnA gO laGoOn @ EaSt CoAsT EaT diiNneR...
ii BrOuGht Ah Ma Go Ah mA lim'S Hse For DiinnEr toGethEr WiiF the mAiiD...
b4 MeeTiiNg Her...
oncE we ReacHed...
We oRdErEd StiiNg Ray...
A pLaTe Of SaMbAl Kai Lan n WanTon NooDlEs...
Den We OrdErEd A toTal Of 4 BottLes oF HeInEkEn iin the End n DraNk To Our hEart's CoNtent...
Coz ii Was able to Stay Ltr Den USual...
so we StaYed tiill aRd 11. 30 pm b4 ii Bade gd Bye to her to gO n FetcH ah Ma HoMe...
Was A great niIte...
Not oNlii b cOZ ii WasN't beiiNg callEd By mY ParEnts SeveraL tiiMEs...
BuT oso coZ thE sEaFooD bbQ uNclE wAs Even so KiiNd EnuFf to treat us to a Plate of cHiillii Crabs...
Howeva we rejected the crabs 4 another Plate Of sAmBal Kai Lan coz we Were Quiite HEsiiTanT on GettIinG oUr HAnDs DiiRty...
Iin the End when We tolD thiis iinCiident to Our frenZ...
They sae we were all so SiillY to OrDer A pLate oF chEap vEggiiEs oVer expENsiiVe seafOodS...
Well hu coR uS to B LazY GalS... =p

My AnTiiCiiPaTiiOn

B4 Yvo lEft 4 HK on the 12th...
sHe coR me the PreviiOUs nIitE asKiing mE bOut the CoAcH bAg whiicH ii Hv WantEd...
She asKed Me Wad desiign ii would lYke to hv as she WoulD b Gg tO help mE buy...
Knowiing Dat ii Lyke The sTylEs FrOm PoPpY LovE sEriiEs N All of the SweEt cuTiiE ColORs...
She Sae dat she wiiLl HelP mE sEarcH 4 oNe BiiG enUff 4 ME to cArrY mY StuFfS...
N nOt to My DiisApPoIintMEnt...
After waItIiNg...
FiiNallY mY Bag ArrIivEd on the dae She RetuRn FrOm Her HolS...
Ii lyke iIt BerIi Much...

Thanks Gal Once AgAiin For KnoWiiNg mY TaStEs So Well... =)

MiiSsIinG XuAn

XuAn jiiE jIie LeFt EtOn HsE oN thE 9th of ApRil 2010...

ExactLy the sAme dAte aS mY B dAe...

Iit was Sad to C HEr lEaVe...

Coz we had Many bEautiiFuL shArEd mEmOrIieS wiiF One AnoTher...

HoweVa coz she doEsn'T waN tO cOntiiNuE sIigNiiNg WiiF the sch...

ThUs sHE lEft...

n eVerYoNe wAs Sad...

Coz shE iis Such A fRiiEnDly...

HappY- Go- lUcKy N cHeErY Gal...

SeeIing HEr SmIiLEs really wiiLl BriiGhtEn uP OnE's DaE...


sIince tiIs iiS her dEciiSiiOn...

Ii Can juz onliI Wiish hEr All the bEst...

n Yes...

We can stiill KiiP iiN cOntAct By MiiTiiNg Up... =)

ByE bYe Mei XuAn

ii N nAdIa Went to ParkWay to get Xuan JiiE jiiE her FareWell GiiFt...
n @ IsEtan...
We saw A niicE PiiNk riibOnEd GuEsS wAllEt n tot dat iit WouLd sUiit hEr well n BoUgHT iiT down...
B4 lEaviiNg Pp...
ii went tO PuR pUr cOz ii had reServeD mOre ClotheS fRom Li Fen...
After eatiiNg...
We pAssEd iIt To heR wHen we wEre At PasTamAnia...
The MoMent She Saw the WallEt...
She was @ A lOsS fOr woRdS...
n cOulDn'T sToP thanKiiNg uS...

12tH aPriL 2010

Tiis iis the date when mY Bff yvO iiS bOrn...
HappY B Dae tO u...
Was glad dat ii Was sTiiLl AbLe to miiT u Up b4 u left 4 Hk Wiif Ur famiiLy MemBers to CelEbRate uR B dae... =)
We wEnt orChard IoN wAlK WalK n As UsuAl...
We Ate @ oUr fave JaP restaUrant b4 gg 4 sOme sHoPpiing SpReeS...
We ViisiiTed IseTan ScOttS m)PhOsIs n BoUght a A NeCkLAcE...
B4 pRocEeDiIng To DivA to PurChasE a jEweLleRy Set ComPriSiiNg Of a NecKlAcE n A pAiiR oF EarRiiNgs 4 Nadia...
Den wHiiLe WalKiiNg @ WiSMa IsEtaN...
Ii saw A BlaCk DKNY bAg n DeciiDed to Buy iiT...
Howeva coz ii had cLaz Dat evEnIiNg...
N oSo YvO goTtA mIit JiE ying n Su ZhEn to CelEbRate Her B dae as Well...
YvO thus pRomIised dat sHe wiiLl Miit mE anOther TiiMe to Go N Get the BAg...
Thanks Gal... =)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

HoW to TrAiN a DrAgOn

Last week Was a Berii Bz WeeK 4 stePh coz Mon- Wed Ii hAd ClaZ...

Den thURs n Fri ii WeNt oUt wiiF mEi Xuan n NadIa Go wAtCh MovIe cUm Eat n ShoP...
ThuRs we went to Kallang LeiSure ParK watcHed tHe MovIiE 'How To TraIn A DrAgOn'...
FiIRst WenT PasTamAnia Eat b4 BuyiiNg poPcOrNs n DrIink To eNtEr thE Theatre...
Was QuiiTe an iinTerestIing moviiE...
IimAgiiNe BeiiNg fRenZ wiiF DraGoNs...
N fIinAllY stIill ManAge to Hv theiir HeLp to IimProVe r/S bEtWeEn DragOnS n HuManS...
On fRii..
We HAd actuAllY wanTed to Go BacK to kallAng LeiSuRe WatCh tHe 2Nd MoViiE ' DiaRy oF The WiMpY KiD'...
But sad to sae coz the SlOt wAs At 8 pm...
ConSiiDerIing the Fact dat iits a 90 miiN sHow...
by the tIiMe we FiiNiishEd watcHiiNG...
Wad tiiMe wiill Iit b 4 alL of Us to ReacH home???
Thus we stayEd Put @ Pp n OncE agaiin we wEnt to Eat At PasTamAnIa b4 shoppIing ard the maLl...
A pIiTy thOu dat ii CoulD noT get to wAtCh The lAtTer... =(

JaLaN JaLan

JalAn JalaN iiN mAlAy MeaNs WalK wAlk...
So siiNCe mY pArents were Not iiN sInGapOre...
Thus ii Wiill Hv to Tk the role of them to briing ah mA out 4 a ShOrt OutiiNg...
An Hr after ii WokE uP...
Ii got ready n tgt wiif my maiid as well as ah Ma...
We went tO pArKwaY 4 LunCh...
wE tOok A cAb Down Coz granDma iis too OlD for takiIng a bUs...
Reached n headed 4 lunch @ YosHinOyA coz GranDmA was OreadIi HunGrY...
OrDered sAlmOn Meal For Her...
Rutan Beef mEal 4 Maiid...
N mY fAve teriYaki ChiCkEn mEal 4 Myself...
After Our lUncH...
we Went to Pur pUr tO get aNother SiiMiiLar DreSs 4 myselF...
All B Coz my mUm Threw Dat PartiicUlAr dreSs to Red CroSs!!!
ii Had a Row wiiF her lAst Frii...
As shE saiid that the dresS ii WorE was IinAppRoPriiatE...
But ii Was lYke iiT lOokEd quiiTe Okii...
Not At all Lyke her usual StandarDs oF sKiiMpY...
StiiLl ii Juz DunnOe wad happEneD to Her dat dae...

FaNcy throWiing iiT awAe N mAkiiNg mE gotta BuY AgaiiN...
Tiis tiime round ii bought iit iin BlUe cOlour IinStEad OF bLAcK...
GoNna ShUT aLl Tiis ShiiT Up...
BefOre Ii ExPloDed OnCe AgaIin...
Den we went to IsetaN n There ii OGt mYselF anOtheR Bag FrOm EllE...
Whiich ii CaN caRrY iiT NoT Onlii To The Gym...
BuT Oso tO woRk n ScH...
Iit Was Really biig EnuFf 4 mE to put aLl My sTufFs...
ReaLlY PacKed Wiif Biig BagS iin my CuPbOard N GranDmA's...
Dat Ii m StIilL pUrcHasIing MOrE...
Gg to Buy AnotHEr One frOm Le CoQ sPorTiFf...
Iits a PurpLe cOlOured sPorts Bag...
Had My FiiLl On sTufFs toDae...
MooD: SatiiSfiiEd... =)
LtR tOniiTe...
Aunty Sharen iiS coMiiNg oVer tO BriIng GrandmA n Me to DiinNer...
As pEr ReqUestEd By mE...
Hee... =P

BoN VoYaGe

ShLd ii FeeL HappY...
Or ShlD ii Feel sAd???
Coz Both MuMmY n DaddY hAd LefT 4 MacAu tiiS mOrNiiNg 4 theiiR HolS...
Ii cannot go...
Coz ii Got Claz N WorK...
At fiiRst when Ii HeaRd dat theY weRe gg OvErsEas...
Ii was So HAppY...
Coz HoRrAy!!!
Ii M FiiNAllY fReEd FrOm TheM TeMpOrarIilY...
But tiiS mOrniiNG whEN ii wOke Up n Saw that They Were Not Ard...
Ii fElt AliiTtlE sAd...
Coz nObOdY ToK to ME...
ExCept Ah mA n The mAiid...
But nVm...
LooK oN the bRiite Siide...
EnJoY the Days When They R Out HolIiDaYiiNG...
Ii cAn HoL MysElf Too...
Ii Niid Not Hv To fOllOw Anii CuRfEwS Set by DaddY 4 thrEe DayS...
EnJoY FolKs... =)

10th April 2010

Ytd was My coUsiiNs JoHnAthAn n JoeL's B dae...
Nope they r not twiiNs...
juz dAt thEiir b Dae haPpenEd to Fall oN the Same MtH n DatE...
So cOiiNcIideNt...
MaYb AuntY sHArEn CarefUllY cHose tiiS date to Giif Biirth to JoE..
PerhapS iiTs 4 SentiMentAl ValUes... =)
Thus LAst Niite...
DadDy treated them to cLuB 4 dIiNnEr...
Coz the bOys enjOyed the Food there... =)
Juz a SiiMplE meal b4 bAdiiNg eacH Other Gd ByEs...
HappY B Dae BoYs!!!
tIimE FliiEs sO fast...
JoHn iiS oReadIi Iin HiiS 2nd Yr oF JC lIife...
N he Gg to NS next yR...
WhiiLE jOe iiS sEc 3 Tiis YeAr...
Wow!!! =P

Friday, April 2, 2010

SiiNg- aLoNg sOnG

TuEs aFTeRnOon...
Ii mIIt Up wiif lEna...
n we went to hEr hse CoffEesHop ate zHi cHaO...
She got craViiNgs 4 HotpLate toUfU...
so We oRdEred a smAll Plate of NoodlEs tgT wiiF heR toUfu...
N began Eatiing...
Den hEad doWn to TeO hEng sIing K...
By the tiiME we reachEd kAtoNg...
iiT was PassEd 7.30 pm...
oVer the tIime when we were SuppOsed to Go n siiNg...
we BooKed 7.30 pm...
but bY the tiiME we reached...
Iit was oReadIi 7.45 Pm...
we sanG tiiLl 9.30 pm...
den lena sae she felt lyke eatiing smth sOupY aGaiin...
thus we went to eat 328 kAtoNg lAksA b4 ii sent her to her bus stop...
LakSa was yUmmY...
But stePh diin Eat...
coz ii Dun wiish to gaiin UnnEcEssArY weiighT...

OuR niiTe

YtD wAs sUcH a PaiiNfUl NiiTe...
ii wEnT fOr mY facIial...
N the ThErapIisT tRiiEd tO exCrEcAtE aLl My bLacK n WhiiT hEadS tIill sO pAiiNfUl...
uNtiiLl By The Tiime ii EndEd mY sessIioN wiIF thEm...
StepH's WholE fAcE wAs SupErbLy Red...
AlmOst the sAme whEn ii DriiNk tOo MucH...
sO uGlY...
SobZ... "/
Den after my faciial...
Miit lEna...
n we went eat ChiicKy riicE b4 fIindiiNg a plAce to slAcK n chAt...
Lately ii nOtiicEd...
sHe seeMed unHappY...
not goNna AsK mUch...
4 iif she gg To tEll...
sOon shE wiiLl fEeL mE iiN biit By BiiT...
M trUly wOrriiEd 4 Her... =(


Ytd Was aPrIl fOoL's DaE n Oso RaKcEnt's 21sT bDaE...
Wow TiiMe flIieS sO fasT...
He iis a Biig boii nW...
Juz wannA tK tiiS oPpOrtUniiTy To wiiSh HiIm a HappY n NjoYabLe 21st BdaE... =)

31st MarCh 2010

HappY 22Nd B daE to Shan Hu Hu...
last yR we went to Her 21sT b Dae Party And hAd loAds to uPdate...
Tiis Yr thoUgh...
We can Juz oNlii WiiSh her THru eiiTher Fb or Blog...
Or mSgs...
Coz we DiiN miit up...
StaY pReTtY oWaEs!!! =)
OsO At tiiS Dae...
YvO met mE gO OrcHard OncE moRe to Get my DKNY bag...
She tOo gEt a tote bAg frOm DKNY...
A giiFt FrOm mE to Her fOr hEr b Dae... =)
Next we ProCeEdEd to ForEvEr 21 N Zara RespEcTiiVelY...
Ii Got twO AlmOst SiiMiIar WhIitE cOloUrEd ShiiRts...
Dat dAe Was A fUn NiiTe... =)

27th MarCh 2010

Happy bElatEd B daE tO u My PrecIioUS daDdY!!!
uR b Dae iIS Juz OnlIi a WeeK aFter AuNtY shArEn'S B dAe...
n on dat dae we went to celebrate ur bdae @ bee HeoNg restaurant...
Howeva the serviice there was sO bAd Dat Niite...
DiishEs servEd Was So dAmN lOng...
Waiit UntiIl EveryBodY wAs sO fEd Up...
But on a LiigHteR moOd...
sAm JiiE jiIe n AlvIn AnnOunCeD dAt thEy Wiill B gEttIinG MarrIieD NexT Yr!!!
we R aLl sO Happy 4 tHe 2 Of thEm aFter HearIiNg thE gD nEwS... =)
Tk gD cArE oF UR HeaLtH DaDdY n sToP eatIing iiCe CreaMs n ChoCz LaTe iin the Niite.. =P

20th MArCh 2010

Happy bElated b Dae gReetiiNgs to u aUntY shAreN!!!
Though had oreadIi wiished u on the eXact date...
but ii hv Yet to PoSt iit On blOg tiill nW coz ii M sO BZ wiif My assIignMents dat Ii nO lOnger HV mUch tIime TO b OnliinE...
gOt to upDate as mUch as ii COuld nW...
Once agAiin wiISh u aLl the bEst iiN wadEva u do...
N staY pRetTy OwaEs!!! =)

A DaE oUt WiiF yvO

AfTer Last Wed's MiiT Up...
Juz Tiis SaT...
Ii mIit Up wIif Her AgaIin...
Tiis TiimE roUnd We miit BerIi EarLy coz Ii hv gOt TutOriIaL @ niiTe...
ThuS aRd 10.30 aM...
After gG tO Her HsE...
We lEft 4 orcHaRd...
There we weNt to IsetaN tO get my DKNY bag 4 $260.00...
N yvO herseLf saw aNotHer onE tOo n ii gOt iit 4 HEr as Her B Dae Giift...
Nw we R carRyIing the sAme SeriiEs...
Den afterwhiicH...
We went 4 raMen @ mY favE jaP fOod resTaUranT @ IoN...
n @ zaRa aS weLl as foRever 21...
StePh gOt 2 WhiiTe tOps ResPecTIivElY...
Nw sTePh HAs AnotheR nEw Place of iiNterEst...
IiE. 313 @ sOmErSeT...
The BuiiLD up looK aLmoSt jUz lYke IoN...
but ii could OnLii sHop 4 awHiile as By 3.3o Pm...
Ii gOttA lEavE 4 HomE...
We had BooKed A mIit Up AgaiiN...
Ard tHe FollOWiIng Wed... =)