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Friday, April 23, 2010

My AnTiiCiiPaTiiOn

B4 Yvo lEft 4 HK on the 12th...
sHe coR me the PreviiOUs nIitE asKiing mE bOut the CoAcH bAg whiicH ii Hv WantEd...
She asKed Me Wad desiign ii would lYke to hv as she WoulD b Gg tO help mE buy...
Knowiing Dat ii Lyke The sTylEs FrOm PoPpY LovE sEriiEs N All of the SweEt cuTiiE ColORs...
She Sae dat she wiiLl HelP mE sEarcH 4 oNe BiiG enUff 4 ME to cArrY mY StuFfS...
N nOt to My DiisApPoIintMEnt...
After waItIiNg...
FiiNallY mY Bag ArrIivEd on the dae She RetuRn FrOm Her HolS...
Ii lyke iIt BerIi Much...

Thanks Gal Once AgAiin For KnoWiiNg mY TaStEs So Well... =)

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