StePh's plAyliiSt

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Friday, April 2, 2010

OuR niiTe

YtD wAs sUcH a PaiiNfUl NiiTe...
ii wEnT fOr mY facIial...
N the ThErapIisT tRiiEd tO exCrEcAtE aLl My bLacK n WhiiT hEadS tIill sO pAiiNfUl...
uNtiiLl By The Tiime ii EndEd mY sessIioN wiIF thEm...
StepH's WholE fAcE wAs SupErbLy Red...
AlmOst the sAme whEn ii DriiNk tOo MucH...
sO uGlY...
SobZ... "/
Den after my faciial...
Miit lEna...
n we went eat ChiicKy riicE b4 fIindiiNg a plAce to slAcK n chAt...
Lately ii nOtiicEd...
sHe seeMed unHappY...
not goNna AsK mUch...
4 iif she gg To tEll...
sOon shE wiiLl fEeL mE iiN biit By BiiT...
M trUly wOrriiEd 4 Her... =(

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