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Sunday, April 11, 2010

HoW to TrAiN a DrAgOn

Last week Was a Berii Bz WeeK 4 stePh coz Mon- Wed Ii hAd ClaZ...

Den thURs n Fri ii WeNt oUt wiiF mEi Xuan n NadIa Go wAtCh MovIe cUm Eat n ShoP...
ThuRs we went to Kallang LeiSure ParK watcHed tHe MovIiE 'How To TraIn A DrAgOn'...
FiIRst WenT PasTamAnia Eat b4 BuyiiNg poPcOrNs n DrIink To eNtEr thE Theatre...
Was QuiiTe an iinTerestIing moviiE...
IimAgiiNe BeiiNg fRenZ wiiF DraGoNs...
N fIinAllY stIill ManAge to Hv theiir HeLp to IimProVe r/S bEtWeEn DragOnS n HuManS...
On fRii..
We HAd actuAllY wanTed to Go BacK to kallAng LeiSuRe WatCh tHe 2Nd MoViiE ' DiaRy oF The WiMpY KiD'...
But sad to sae coz the SlOt wAs At 8 pm...
ConSiiDerIing the Fact dat iits a 90 miiN sHow...
by the tIiMe we FiiNiishEd watcHiiNG...
Wad tiiMe wiill Iit b 4 alL of Us to ReacH home???
Thus we stayEd Put @ Pp n OncE agaiin we wEnt to Eat At PasTamAnIa b4 shoppIing ard the maLl...
A pIiTy thOu dat ii CoulD noT get to wAtCh The lAtTer... =(

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