StePh's plAyliiSt

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Friday, April 2, 2010

31st MarCh 2010

HappY 22Nd B daE to Shan Hu Hu...
last yR we went to Her 21sT b Dae Party And hAd loAds to uPdate...
Tiis Yr thoUgh...
We can Juz oNlii WiiSh her THru eiiTher Fb or Blog...
Or mSgs...
Coz we DiiN miit up...
StaY pReTtY oWaEs!!! =)
OsO At tiiS Dae...
YvO met mE gO OrcHard OncE moRe to Get my DKNY bag...
She tOo gEt a tote bAg frOm DKNY...
A giiFt FrOm mE to Her fOr hEr b Dae... =)
Next we ProCeEdEd to ForEvEr 21 N Zara RespEcTiiVelY...
Ii Got twO AlmOst SiiMiIar WhIitE cOloUrEd ShiiRts...
Dat dAe Was A fUn NiiTe... =)

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