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Saturday, April 24, 2010

An InTeReStIiNg ScEnE

On tHurS...
WhIilE ii Was On my Wae bAcK To aH mA hSe fRom SMA...
Ii boArDed bUs 197 and saw an iinTeresTiIng sCeNe...
A maN iin Hiis MiiD 20's siitIinG Iin FrOnt Of Me sUddEnLy HeLd uP Hiis WhiiTe cOloUred UmBreLlA and sTarted StrOkiiNg as Well As HuGgIiNg Iit...
Den He bEgan To tOk tO iit...
AskIinG the UmBreLlA nOt to B aFraIid as He Wiill B bY iiTs siiDe No mAttER wAd HappEns...
He LoOkEd at thE uMbReLla aMiICaBlY...
FoNdNeSs iIn HiiS EyEs...
He Sae dat He GottA gO fIigHt EvErYbOdY WhO oPpoSed thEiir R/s...
N the next MiiN ii KneW...
He tuRned To The WiinDow...
FiiNgErs CraWled Up LykE a cat...
back ArcHiiNg...
n Started GrOwlIinG...
SnArIing As wEll As SnEeRiing AwAe...
SaYiiNg daT No 1 Can SepAraTe Hiim N 'Her' aParT...
TheY wiill OvErComE All ObStAcLes...
TheY wiIl FiiGht 4 PeaCe...
JusTiiCe n LoVe...
TiiS cOmMoTiiOn IirriItAtEd MosT oF thE cOmmutErs...
Howeva ii Found dat iit was QuIite an IinTerEstiiNg siiGht...
N Tiis lastEd All The wae TiLl ii AlIighTed The bUs...

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