JalAn JalaN iiN mAlAy MeaNs WalK wAlk...
So siiNCe mY pArents were Not iiN sInGapOre...
Thus ii Wiill Hv to Tk the role of them to briing ah mA out 4 a ShOrt OutiiNg...
An Hr after ii WokE uP...
Ii got ready n tgt wiif my maiid as well as ah Ma...
We went tO pArKwaY 4 LunCh...
wE tOok A cAb Down Coz granDma iis too OlD for takiIng a bUs...
Reached n headed 4 lunch @ YosHinOyA coz GranDmA was OreadIi HunGrY...
OrDered sAlmOn Meal For Her...
Rutan Beef mEal 4 Maiid...
N mY fAve teriYaki ChiCkEn mEal 4 Myself...
After Our lUncH...
we Went to Pur pUr tO get aNother SiiMiiLar DreSs 4 myselF...
All B Coz my mUm Threw Dat PartiicUlAr dreSs to Red CroSs!!!
ii Had a Row wiiF her lAst Frii...
As shE saiid that the dresS ii WorE was IinAppRoPriiatE...
But ii Was lYke iiT lOokEd quiiTe Okii...
Not At all Lyke her usual StandarDs oF sKiiMpY...
StiiLl ii Juz DunnOe wad happEneD to Her dat dae...
FaNcy throWiing iiT awAe N mAkiiNg mE gotta BuY AgaiiN...
Tiis tiime round ii bought iit iin BlUe cOlour IinStEad OF bLAcK...
GoNna ShUT aLl Tiis ShiiT Up...
BefOre Ii ExPloDed OnCe AgaIin...
Den we went to IsetaN n There ii OGt mYselF anOtheR Bag FrOm EllE...
Whiich ii CaN caRrY iiT NoT Onlii To The Gym...
BuT Oso tO woRk n ScH...
Iit Was Really biig EnuFf 4 mE to put aLl My sTufFs...
ReaLlY PacKed Wiif Biig BagS iin my CuPbOard N GranDmA's...
Dat Ii m StIilL pUrcHasIing MOrE...
Gg to Buy AnotHEr One frOm Le CoQ sPorTiFf...
Iits a PurpLe cOlOured sPorts Bag...
Had My FiiLl On sTufFs toDae...
MooD: SatiiSfiiEd... =)
LtR tOniiTe...
Aunty Sharen iiS coMiiNg oVer tO BriIng GrandmA n Me to DiinNer...
As pEr ReqUestEd By mE...
Hee... =P
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