StePh's plAyliiSt

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Friday, April 2, 2010

SiiNg- aLoNg sOnG

TuEs aFTeRnOon...
Ii mIIt Up wiif lEna...
n we went to hEr hse CoffEesHop ate zHi cHaO...
She got craViiNgs 4 HotpLate toUfU...
so We oRdEred a smAll Plate of NoodlEs tgT wiiF heR toUfu...
N began Eatiing...
Den hEad doWn to TeO hEng sIing K...
By the tiiME we reachEd kAtoNg...
iiT was PassEd 7.30 pm...
oVer the tIime when we were SuppOsed to Go n siiNg...
we BooKed 7.30 pm...
but bY the tiiME we reached...
Iit was oReadIi 7.45 Pm...
we sanG tiiLl 9.30 pm...
den lena sae she felt lyke eatiing smth sOupY aGaiin...
thus we went to eat 328 kAtoNg lAksA b4 ii sent her to her bus stop...
LakSa was yUmmY...
But stePh diin Eat...
coz ii Dun wiish to gaiin UnnEcEssArY weiighT...

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