StePh's plAyliiSt

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

MonEy's WarFarE


Geum Na Ra (Park Shin Yang) is a ruthless private moneylender. Seo Joo Hee (Park Jin Hee) is a righteous woman. When problems with her family's debts arise, Joo Hee was supposed to marry a divorced man to solve her family's financial problems. But on the day of the wedding, Geum Na Ra shows up to collect the debts and ends up ruining her plans. Joo Hee vows to take her revenge on him but she falls in love with him instead. Ha Woo Sung (Shin Dong Wook), also a moneylender, is a handsome young man who seem to have no worries in life. He and Geum Na Ra are rivals, in business and in love. Lee Cha Yeon (Kim Jung Hwa) is a money banker

AiR ciTy


Han Do Kyung, specially scouted by the Incheon Airport Director, willingly accepted 1/3 of the pay she was receiving when working in Singapore to come back to Korea as the chief of operations of Incheon Airport. She speaks five different languages. However, Do Kyung lives with an uneven wound of her family and a regret of leaving her sister behind. She met Kim Ji Sung, a National Intelligence Service agent and gets entangle with him. Kim Ji Sung is very passionate about his work to the extend that he is willing to bend the rules to ensure the security of the country even if he is only acting on his instincts. After being stationed at the airport, he finds himself in an emotional turmoil with a woman he used to love who is also working in the airport. At the same time, he is falling for Han Do Kyung. Kang Ha Joon, a childhood friend of Han Do Kyung is also falling for Do Kyung. Kang Ha Joon is a quick tempered with a habit of talking aggresively due to his nature of work watching over thousands of surveilance cameras in the airport but has good relations with all the airport employees even the cleaners because of his kind personality outside of work. As his friendship develops with Do Kyung, he becomes a strong source of refuge for her. But as his feelings for her grows, his relationship gets more and more complicated with a woman who is his friend, superior at workplace and unrequited love.

GolDen BriDe


Jin Joo is a half Korean and Vietnamese girl who marries a Korean man, Kang Jun Woo, in order to come to Korea to look for her biological father who abandoned her. The drama is not only about her searching for her dad but also about the cultural differences between her and her husband's family. There is bad blood between the two families, Kim and Kang. The rivalry is even more fueled because Jun Woo's mother used to date Young Min's father but Young Min's mother stole him away from her. Kang Sae Mi is Jun Woo's sister and Kim Young Soo is Young Min's younger brother. They want to get married but both families oppose their marriage which leads to the two young lovers running away and living together.

Get KArL! oH SoO JunG


Go Man Soo is a world known golf player who was dumped by a former beauty queen, Oh Soo Jung, seven years ago. Their fate becomes reversed when Oh Soo Jung who is now known as an old maid comes chasing after Man Soo who is now a 'golden bachelor' with good looks and money.

ThE lEgEnd


This drama portrays the life of the 19th king of Goguryeo, Hwanwoong, who was sent from the heavens to make the world a better place. He falls in love with Saeoh and gives her the joojak necklace; however, Kajin becomes jealous since Saeoh has given birth to Hwanwoong's son. She takes the baby and throws him off a cliff. Saeoh, thinking that her son had died, is overcome with grief and turns into the black joojak to destroy the world. Hwanwoong is the only one who could stop her. Afterwards, Hwanwoong returns to the Heavens and prophecizes that 2000 years later, the true Joo Shin king will come to Earth. With the help of the four gods, he will rebuild Joo Shin.

NeW HeaRt


This drama is about the pride and frustration of cardiac surgeons on the job. Lee Eun Sung graduated from a newly established medical school in the southern province and not from an elite one like the Hwang Hee University Hospital where he applied for residency with the hope of becoming a great cardiac specialist. Since he wasn't a graduate of Hwang Hee U., he was looked down upon by almost everyone at the hospital. Nam Hye Suk graduated with top marks and was regarded as a star student. She was an absolute fundamentalist and proud of herself. Dr. Choi Kang Gook became the new head of the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery after being in exile for 5 years for getting into trouble with his former superior. He was a genius but he was also a stubborn surgeon who does not care for hospital politics. It ended up only LES and NHS were the only doctors who applied for residency and they were accepted with great reluctance after being rejected outright by Dr. CKG.

Lee Dong Gwon, a famous actor, was admitted to the Hospital for arrhythmia surgery. He knew NHS from elementary school and was infatuated with her. Between him and LES, who would NHS choose?



Kwon Oh Joon is a swindler who falls for a widow with a 5 year old daughter, Jin Dal Rae. Dal Rae lives with her daughter and mother in law after her husband passes away. Oh Joon is a suave man who can talk women into doing anything.

BiTtErsWeEt LifE


The drama about a man who commits suicide. A detective tries to solve the case and figure what really happened. The drama goes back in time to six months before the man, Lee Joon Soo, committed suicide. Yoon Hye Jin and Ha Dong Won's marriage is on the rocks. Though they have two daughters together, both have secret love affairs with other people. Joon Soo accidentally meets Hye Jin in Japan and falls for her. Hong Da Ae is the woman whom Dong Won is seeing on the side. She never wanted to be his wife nor his mistress and that is why their affair has lasted for so long. That was till Da Ae met Joon Soo. She realized that she could no longer continue seeing Dong Won and she fell for Joon Soo. Did Joon Soo really kill himself?

YoU ArE My DesTiNy


Jang Sae Byuk is a a girl who tries to find a new meaning in life after she receives an eye cornea transplant from the doctor that took care of her after her accident. That doctor, Kim Na Young, died in a car accident on her way back from Africa. Sae Byuk becomes close with the Na Young's family after finding them. The family slowly accepts her as part of the family. Kang Ho Se and Kim Tae Poong, Na Young's twin brother, have disliked each other since they were young kids. This is mostly Tae Poong hates Ho Se because Ho Se's family was rich and because Tae Poong's father was Ho Se's father's driver and his mother was the maid.

ThE kiNg AnD i


A drama about Kim Cheo Seon's life during the Joseon Dynasty. Kim Cheo Seon was a loyal and faithful eunuch for various Kings such as the 5th King, MoonJoong, and the 10th King, YunSan Goon, during the Chosun Era.

YeLlOw HanDkErChiEf


After being in a relationship with Yoon Ja-young (Lee Tae Ran) for nearly ten years, Lee Sang-min (Kim Ho Jin) dumps her for a richer woman. He plans to marry the president of his company, Jo Min-joo (Choo Sang Mi). Things go astray, though, when Lee finds out that Ja-young is pregnant. He tries to convince her to get an abortion but fails. Nevertheless, he marries Jo Min-joo in a loveless relationship. On the other hand, Yoon raises the child with her mother, grandmother, sister and brother, waiting for him to come back. Jo Sun-joo (Han Ga In) is Jo's stepsister, a warmhearted girl who seems very cold. She learns the meaning of love through Yoon Ja-young's brother (Yeon Jung Hoon), but things don't go well for them either, especially when there is a pestering neighbor always on the watch. Forgiving and waiting, Yoon Ja-young rises from her hard times to become a successful businesswoman. In the search for success, love is obstructed by greed until the feelings of forgiveness and yearning is realized.

My WoMaN


Se Ra is an ambitious woman who discarded her long time boyfriend, Hyun Min, in order to join high society. Though she seems weak, she actually has a great determination to fulfill her dreams. Se Ra betrays Hyun Min in order for her to become successful. This in turn causes Hyun Min to hate Tae Sung, the man who stole Hyun Min's woman away from him. The drama also portrays the #1 export industry.

EaST Of EdeN


The drama will be about two men whose fates are crossed from the very first day that they were born. Both men were born in the same hospital. When he was a teenager, Lee Dong Chul witnessed the death of his father. From then on he promised to seek revenge on the man who caused his father's death, Shin Tae Hwan. But unbeknownst to everybody is the fact that Dong Chul's younger brother, Dong Wook, was switched at birth with Tae Hwan's son, Myung Hun. Dong Wook grows up to become a prosecutor and vows to help his brother seek revenge. But what happens when they find out that they're not brothers? What will Dong Chul do when he finds out that his real brother was raised by Shin Tae Hwan and that the brother that was beside him all these years is the son of his enemy?

I LoVe YOu DoN't CrY


Han Young Min (Lee Jung Jin) and Min Seo Young (Oh Seung Hyun) were supposed to get engaged but on their engagement day, Young Min's ex, Jae Hee (Kim Yoo Mi), dumped their son, Jun, on him. Seo Young broke up with Young Min afterwards. Jo Min Soo (Lee Yu Ri), who is jobless, was hired by Young Min to take care of his son because he couldn't take care of him himself. Young Min is an architect and lectures at a local university in his spare time.

mArAtHoN SiiNgIinG

yTd 30/01/2009...

Yvo caMe to My HSe bAii niiaN...

sUppOsEdLy hEr CouSiiN sHAuN wAs CoMiiNg 2...

BuT Iin ThE EnD Coz sHaun Was WoRkiiNG lAte...

sO Her yOuNger siiS eilEen caMe iiNStead...


ThEy camE ard 7 pm...

n we went straiight iinto the ktv room n started siingiing...

iinIitiiallY eileen was shy n diid not wan to siing...

Howeva aFter seeIing the Both of us cAn siiNg tiiLl so cOmFortaBly...

shE 2 JoiiNEd iin the siiNgiiNG...


n FiinAllY shE sAng mUch More den Us...

n Was siiNgiiNG so HAppiilY dat we CoUld all c Her variiOUs fUnnii acTiioNs cOmIinG Out 2...


Den ard 8 plus...

we went oUt 4 diinner b4 goiing iin agaiin to contiinue our siingiing...

buT b cOZ stePh was haviing a coUgh...

thus ii cOuld nOt siiNG dat well...

coughiiNg awae oCcasIionAlly as ii Siing...


aRd 9 pluS...

sHauN cor TO sae dat hE had enDed hIis worK n waNna cOme Over...

so wHen He came...

We both AlmosT cOulD nOt reCognIisE Each Other...

cOZ sO far we Had OnlIi SeeN EacH othEr oNce...

n sOmeMOre iiT wAs sUch A lOng tiiME agO...

DuriiNg oUr sec sCH day...

On A cHAlet oRganIised By AnOther oF mY Sec sCh fren LouiSe ii tiink...

sO Nw wAs Our sEcOnd Miit...

n we hv chANged mUch Over the Yrs...

lookIing diIFf...

But thank gOD we were stiIll AbLE to CommUnIicaTe wiIF eAch othEr...

wHEn He EnteRed the KAraoKe rooM...

Juz lyKE eilEeN's fiIRst resPonse...

Or rather manii ppl's fiiRst respOnse...

hE was shOcked bOut the KaraokE roOm...

coz iit felt weiird...

nO diisco liightiings...

n long comfy couches to BegiiN wiif...

thUS hE sTarted giifiing feedbackS oN mAkiiNG thE rOom fEel More lYke a KAraoKe rOom...

next he jokiingly went on to sae dat iin future ii shld charge Yvo n mY other frenz 4 usiing the VIP room as ii serve them driiNks n Some chachOs...


Wad A funnIi guy shAun iiS...

sEeiIng that he wasn't coNtriButiing iiN siiNgiiNG...

We iiNViiTed hIim to JoiiN iin as Well...

BuT sad To saE thOu...

He was Shy n thUS wE cOuld not Hear hiiM sIing...

Wasted Siia...

Heard dat Hiis sIingiiNg wAs gd...


Stiill Got oTher tiimEs...

AsK Yvo To IinvIIte Hiim Over whEN sHe Wanna coMe to My hSe n SiiNG...


Let HiiM warM uP A fEw more tiimEs fiiRst...

So WhiiLE we DiiN cOnTiiNue 2 fORce Hiim to SiiNg...

He LooKEd ard the rooM n cAught siIght of the ElectrO mOSquItoE bAt n sTarted PlayIing wiIF iiT...

HeLpIing Us Kiill The MosqUiitoEs fOund iin The roOm...

sOon He fOund iIT fUn to Play...

He walked Round the Room sEArChiiNG 4 More MosquIitoEs n Other iiNseCts OT kiiLl..

oCcAsIioNAllY wHen The iiNSect fell FroM the bAt...

He would piick Iit uP n Place oN the bAt AgaiiN uNtiil wE cOuld all Smell the cHow Ta smEll...


Ard 10pm...

iit was tiime 4 them to leave...

sO we bAde each other gd byes n makE @ the same tiime make oUr NExt sIingiiNg appOiiNtmENt...

ReallI fUn lAst nIite...

StePh cOulD fIinAllY Hv The fEel of sIingiiNG @ k- bOx...

the FeeLiiNg wAs Juz sO gd!!! ")

JoHnAtHAn n JoEl

ThEse 2 boiis r mY cOusiinS...

Age 17 n 14 yrs old respEctiively...

Both of them r berii clever...

Johnathan iis cuRrEntLy stuDyiiNG @ RJC whiile Joel iiS nW Sec 2 @ VicToRia Sec ScH..

Both r atheletes...

They r berIi gd rUnnErs...

GoiiNG 4 comPetiiOns evEry yr...

Bz ppl...

n theiiR b daes cOiincIidenTally fall On the same day...

Date n Mth...


juz dat diiFf Yr...

reallIi Meant to B BroS... ")

GrOuChY AllY

HeLlOOooooo EvErYbOdY...

Ii AllY iiS hErE oNcE AgAiiN...

TiiS TiimE rOunD jIiE JiiE TiaN TiaN poSt My UgLy PiicS on heR Blog...

I GoT nO cHoiiCe but hv To CoME HEre N TEll EvErYbOdy Wad Were ThoSe ExPreSsiIoNs On My face BouT...



ActuAlly Ii Was Okii Wan...

Juz dat...

Ii wanna wAtcH mY favE bArnEy shOw...

n Dun Wiish To Eat jUZ yEt...

Den My AunTiiE mAry kiip IinSiisTiiNG mE to Eat...

n tiiS gOT mE toTallY piiSsed oFf As sHE thReatenEd to Turn Off My BarnEy!!!

n tIis JiiE jiiE oSo so IiRrIiTaTiinG...

Kiip TaKiinG SnApsHots Of ME...

bLockIing mY ViiEw To WatCh BArNEy...

ThUS TiiS goT mE EvEn MoRe Fed Up!!!


My AunTiiE mAry ReaLLii SwIitChEd oFf ThE Tv..

N caRrIiEd ME UpSTaiiRs To Eat mY pOrriiDgE...





JiiE jiiE n AlvIn'S FaVe cOupLE soNg...

'你最珍貴' sUng By JAcKy ChUNg N GaO hUi JuN...

My COusiin sIis jUZ LUrVe TiiS sOng lOAds...

StEph 2 oSo sTarTiiNg To lYkE TiiS sOnG LE...

AlThOuGh HaS HeArD oF iiT aLot Of TiimEs...

ThUS nW sTePh wiiLl OwAeS KEy iiN tIIs sOng n tRyiiNg To LEarN ThE lYriiCs...

Berii SwEeT...

COulD fEel tHE sTrOng LURvE BetWeeN jiiE jIie n AlVin wHenEvA tHey siiNg TiiS sOng...

CaN FeeL ThE lOvE bEtwEeN tHe 2 Of tHem...

aLl ThE bEsT 2 thE 2 Of U!!! ")

P.S.: ThOuGh ThEy R sIinGiiNg ToGeTheR...

BuT sTEpH cOuld NoT Tk The Piics of thEm tOgEthEr...

Coz They R BotH sIiTtiiNg @ diiFf eNds...

ThUS sTepH cOuld oNly tK iinDiiViiDuaLs piiCs oF TheM... >.<

ThE 'AfRo' mAn- AlVin

ThEsE r ThE fEw PiiCs dAt JohNaThan N jOel hAd AttEmPtEd 2 ChAngE AlvIn's hAiir sTyLe iiNtO tHe 'AfRo' kIinD bY pUttIiinG tHe mIC hEad nEar tO AlvIn'S hAiiR...

But iiN ThE EnD 2 No AvAiiL DesPiiTe mAnnIi tRiiEs...

IiNiiTiiAllY tHe AnGlE Was PerFeCt...

HoWeVa iiN thE End...

oSo dUnnOe Wad HappEnEd...

ThE FeeL wAs No LOngEr rIiTe...

All B cOZ of JoHn...

kIip LAuGhIIng Non- StOp...

UnTiiL hiiS hAnds KiiP jErKiiNg...

N b Coz of TiiS...

ALeRtEd aLvIn...

dEN aLvIN WoULdN't wAn tO tAkE...

tHe WHoLe ProCeSs wAs sUpEr hiiLaRiiOuS...

EvEn WheN ii M sIinGiiNg...

ii Oso cAn'T hElp bUt GiiGgLe As Well...

HahAhaha... ")

pOOr AlVin..

OwAeS kEnA bUlliiEd By ThE 2 BoYs...


RanDoM aCtiiOnS TakEN dUriiNg kTv TiimE

Y no StEpH???

iin Case u guYs r wOnderiiNG...

Well coZ sTePh waS bZ ThE wHolE niiTe tAkiinG tHesE SnApShoTs oF mY cOUsiiNS bEsiiDes hAvIinG to Siing K As Well...

RareLy wOuld stePh get the chance of takiing the piics of my CouSiinS w/o them retaliiatiing & retoRtiiNG...

tHey dUn lYke stEph 2 tk pIIcs of Them n yet ytd wAs the BEst oppOrtuNiitY 4 mE whiilE they were bz cOncEntRatiIng oN thEiiR sTuffS...


bOth JoHn n JoEl WerE bZ kiiLlIing mOSqUiiToes wiIF the iiNSect eLectrO bAt...

wHiilE jiiE jiiE oN thE oTher HAnd waS fOCuSIIng On HeR sIINgIIng...

aLvIN on THE otHER HanD wAs lOokIiNG @ thE 2 Boys MiiscHiiEf...

sO Tiis WaS Y sTePh gOt The ChaNce!!!



STepH oSo sIiNgs nW...

Juz dat IitS nOt ThOse sOngs Dat StEph USuallY siiNgs @ KTV...

iiTs A viiCtoRiiioUs sOnG CrEAtEd n UndErsTooD oNLii By StEpH!!!

Hee... =p

Thursday, January 29, 2009

ShOppIInG sPreE

2Dae iis The 4th dae oF cNy...

N sTePh hAd sO far cOllEcted A reasoNabLE amT oF anG bAos $$$...

ThuS sTraiiGht after worK...

Ii Went to mAriiNE pArade cenTral to c a doC...

To Tk mEdiiCatiiOns 4 My cOugh b4 goIing on mY cRazY sHopPiiNg sPree...


1st stoP ii WeNt iinSiiDe IsEtan ManGo n BouGht mYsElF a GreEn SatIin ToP 4 $55.00...

Next i Wnet uP to WorlD oF sPoRts...

BouGht a PaiiR oF pUrplE strIiPEd bIrKEnsTocK sanDals 4 $58.40...

After iiTs sTore n mEmBer's DiiscOunt...

thE mOmenT ii HAnDed Up mY mEMbErf cArd...

Ii wAs sUrpRiised to FiiND dat iit had actuallY exPiired oN thE 14th of JAn 2009...

Thus ii Got no cHoiice bUt to RenEw my mEmBershIip N PAiiD another $28.00 4 iit...

n Was giiven two sPorTs water bOttle...


After tiis shoP...

ii went iinto another sPorts sHop- GallEn SpOrtS...

Whiich was Juz opp wOrld of sPortS...

N bOught a Paiir oF fiTflOp bRand flIip Flop 4 $99.90...

iiT was sIilver Iin ColOur...

StePh PrEvIiouSly hAd oReadii Gotten a whiIted cOloUred wan...

But b Coz iit iis berii cOmfoRtable weariing iit...

Thus stePh bOught another paiir...

jUZ lYke biiRkenstoCk...

StePh too oReadii had a paiir @ hm...

iit was whiite iin coLour...

n was giiven to steph as an x'mas giift frOm aUnty shaRen 2 yrs Ago...

But b coz iiT was as iiF ii m Not weariing aniitiink on my solEs yet ii Could stiill feel pRotected...

datS y ii deciided to pUrchaSe anOther pAiir...


After tiis 2 spoRts shop...

stePh went to Giiant n boUght two bottles of Sunplay sUnbLock sPf 50 lOtiiOn 4 $34.40...

stePh niiDed tO pUt oN sUnbLock coz recently ii Hv bEen expOsed to the suN foR qUiite loNg hrs...

Untiill ii m turnIing balck sooN...

thus ii dun lyke the iidea n nop ChoiiCe bUt to Apply sUn blOck oN mY face and Body...

lAst stOp was to The Face Shop...

n iin THere...

stePh sPent $145.92...

BuyiiNg mY briighteniiNG toner...


Riice foAm faciiAl wash...

n last bUt nOt least Hot sPA mAke up RemOver...


ii hAd sPent Quiite a hUge sum of $393.62 wiithin juz barely a niite...

So U c dAts ThE reASoN 4 sTepH's Wiide cHEerY sMiilE iiN the PiiC...

Hee... ")

CHu Er

StEpH 2DAe dIin Go oUt oN tHE 2nD dAe oF cNY...

SuppOsEdLy 2 go to aH mA's HSe agaiin...

But iin The enD dIin go...

cOz StEph'S uNcLe n AunTiie r ComIing OVer 4 ViisIitIinG...

sO whiiLE waIitiiNG 4 Them to Come...

StePh goT mY mAiiD To b mY pHotogRapHer Once More...

N sTarted mY cam- wHoRiiNg hAbiiTs AgAiiN...

tHus we mAiiNly TooK pIIcs eiithEr iiN mY RooM...

Parent's RooM...

iiF Not woUld b @ thE sTaiiR caSe...

nW u GuYs nOE tiiS iiS wAd sTePh Was DoiiNG dUriiNG CNY bEsiiDes Bz CollEctIIng anG bAos...


Cam WhOriiNG iiNDeeD iiS mY FoRte!!! =p

ChU Yi

FiiRst Dae OF CNY...

StEph WokE up aRd 11.30 am...

cOz mUmmy sayS sTArTiinG fRom tiiS yr...

we Niid nOt go ViisiiTiiNG so Early...

b Coz we WuN b GoiiNG oVer 2 sI sHEn pO's hse 4 lunch...

ActUallY eVery yr...

we would defiiniitely go there 4 our lunch...

bUt b coz miid of last yr...

si Shen pO had cancer...

n Under went chEmo...

thuS iin Order noT 2 oVer tiiRe her...

iiMagiiNE shE goT to Cook lunCh 4 almOSt 10 ovEr ppl...

How TaxiiNG iIT wOuld b 4 her!!!

mUmmY sae We shall go N hV a SiimPle lUncH oUtsiiDe wHiich Means MAC...

B 4 GoiiNG oVer to the elders' hse baii niian...

1st stOp we went 2 gOr bO's hse...

She iis mY gRandpa's eldest siis...

we Reached there ard 1 plus...

IiniiTiially ii Tot ii wun B able to c mY cOusiiNS...

BuT afTer we sAt dOWn nOt lOng after...

They arriived n we chatted 4 nEaRlY an Hr b 4 proceediing 2 si sHen Po's hse...

sHE iis the Wiife of My gRandpa's younger bRo...

There agaiin...

sTePh met all mY cOusiiNs...

Juz dat tiis tiime roUnd...

They r all Kiids...

UnlYke the preViiOUs hSe hu weRe all nEarlY aRd The sAme age as StePh...

Wiif the kiids...

StepH plAyed chAsiing...

N hiiDe n SeeK wiiF tHem...

sO exhAustEd...

WhiiLE the adUlts sat down cOmfoRtablY oN the Sofa n coUches...

cHAttIing mErriiLy awae...

Sad To sae...

stEph diiN hV tiiME to Tk piIcs @ eacH Hse...

But mAnaGe to CapTuRe 1 oF stePh's Face @ si Shen pO's HSe...

The rest were all taken @ hm b 4 goIing out...

The fiinal Stop Was 2 aH mA's HSe...

There We stayEd the lOngest 2...

When We reacHEd there...

StePH saiid 'GonG Xii; GonG xIi' to BoTh granDpareNTs...

B 4 settlIing down to watch tv...

a FeW miiNs lTr...

My cOusiiNs fRom gOR bO's hse caMe oVer 2 pAy viisiiT to My graNdpArEnts...

jUZ nW @ thEiir PlaCe...

Iit was my cOusiinS 2 seRve Us DriiNks n delIicaCiiEs...

nW iiT was sTepH's Turn...

EvEry yr woulD b suCh a cOiinCiiDEnt...

Our tiimiings woUld owaEs b so PErfEct as 2 C eaCh OTher agaiin @ diiFf lOCatiioNs...

bUt Tiis TiiME rOund...

StePh diID nOt Chat wiif ThEm...

ii Was bZ tellIing ah MA hU ii sAw n wad Ii diID @ bOth HoUSes...

After they had lEft...

StePh's Biif UncLE came wiiF hIis wiiFe...

n Hiis BooMiinG vOiice annoUncEd hiis ArriIvaL...

ii Went to teh doOR n greeted hiim...

But he saiid dat he would b leaviing soOn coz hE waNna gO n Play mAhjOng...

AfTer sToppIing 4 nEaRly 20 oVer yRs...

We chatteD 4 AwhIile b4 badiiNG eacH other farewellS...

We went back hm to rest as well...

@ nIIte oUr nEiighbOur saiiD dat they woUld b coMiiNG ovEr to SiinG kAraOke as weLl as Baii Niian...

iiTG wAs TruLy a TiiRed daE n sTeph wEnt to Bed oNly @ 1 am coZ ii watched a ChiiNEse movIie wiif DaddY... ")