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Saturday, January 31, 2009

mArAtHoN SiiNgIinG

yTd 30/01/2009...

Yvo caMe to My HSe bAii niiaN...

sUppOsEdLy hEr CouSiiN sHAuN wAs CoMiiNg 2...

BuT Iin ThE EnD Coz sHaun Was WoRkiiNG lAte...

sO Her yOuNger siiS eilEen caMe iiNStead...


ThEy camE ard 7 pm...

n we went straiight iinto the ktv room n started siingiing...

iinIitiiallY eileen was shy n diid not wan to siing...

Howeva aFter seeIing the Both of us cAn siiNg tiiLl so cOmFortaBly...

shE 2 JoiiNEd iin the siiNgiiNG...


n FiinAllY shE sAng mUch More den Us...

n Was siiNgiiNG so HAppiilY dat we CoUld all c Her variiOUs fUnnii acTiioNs cOmIinG Out 2...


Den ard 8 plus...

we went oUt 4 diinner b4 goiing iin agaiin to contiinue our siingiing...

buT b cOZ stePh was haviing a coUgh...

thus ii cOuld nOt siiNG dat well...

coughiiNg awae oCcasIionAlly as ii Siing...


aRd 9 pluS...

sHauN cor TO sae dat hE had enDed hIis worK n waNna cOme Over...

so wHen He came...

We both AlmosT cOulD nOt reCognIisE Each Other...

cOZ sO far we Had OnlIi SeeN EacH othEr oNce...

n sOmeMOre iiT wAs sUch A lOng tiiME agO...

DuriiNg oUr sec sCH day...

On A cHAlet oRganIised By AnOther oF mY Sec sCh fren LouiSe ii tiink...

sO Nw wAs Our sEcOnd Miit...

n we hv chANged mUch Over the Yrs...

lookIing diIFf...

But thank gOD we were stiIll AbLE to CommUnIicaTe wiIF eAch othEr...

wHEn He EnteRed the KAraoKe rooM...

Juz lyKE eilEeN's fiIRst resPonse...

Or rather manii ppl's fiiRst respOnse...

hE was shOcked bOut the KaraokE roOm...

coz iit felt weiird...

nO diisco liightiings...

n long comfy couches to BegiiN wiif...

thUS hE sTarted giifiing feedbackS oN mAkiiNG thE rOom fEel More lYke a KAraoKe rOom...

next he jokiingly went on to sae dat iin future ii shld charge Yvo n mY other frenz 4 usiing the VIP room as ii serve them driiNks n Some chachOs...


Wad A funnIi guy shAun iiS...

sEeiIng that he wasn't coNtriButiing iiN siiNgiiNG...

We iiNViiTed hIim to JoiiN iin as Well...

BuT sad To saE thOu...

He was Shy n thUS wE cOuld not Hear hiiM sIing...

Wasted Siia...

Heard dat Hiis sIingiiNg wAs gd...


Stiill Got oTher tiimEs...

AsK Yvo To IinvIIte Hiim Over whEN sHe Wanna coMe to My hSe n SiiNG...


Let HiiM warM uP A fEw more tiimEs fiiRst...

So WhiiLE we DiiN cOnTiiNue 2 fORce Hiim to SiiNg...

He LooKEd ard the rooM n cAught siIght of the ElectrO mOSquItoE bAt n sTarted PlayIing wiIF iiT...

HeLpIing Us Kiill The MosqUiitoEs fOund iin The roOm...

sOon He fOund iIT fUn to Play...

He walked Round the Room sEArChiiNG 4 More MosquIitoEs n Other iiNseCts OT kiiLl..

oCcAsIioNAllY wHen The iiNSect fell FroM the bAt...

He would piick Iit uP n Place oN the bAt AgaiiN uNtiil wE cOuld all Smell the cHow Ta smEll...


Ard 10pm...

iit was tiime 4 them to leave...

sO we bAde each other gd byes n makE @ the same tiime make oUr NExt sIingiiNg appOiiNtmENt...

ReallI fUn lAst nIite...

StePh cOulD fIinAllY Hv The fEel of sIingiiNG @ k- bOx...

the FeeLiiNg wAs Juz sO gd!!! ")

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